Thursday, August 28, 2014

2014 – 08 – 10: Day 19 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 - Painted Desert and Petrified Forest

From El Morro National Monument, 
through Petrified Forest National Park 
To Holbrook AZ
Distance traveled: 
137 miles + unknown miles side trip through the Petrified Forest

Morning at the camp site was just so peaceful and delightful.  I enjoyed the coolness of the early morning air and the breezes.  The scent of the cedar trees was present in the air and the gentle colours of the desert flowers were a treat for my eyes. 

Hummingbird moth on purple blossom
I was especially thrilled to see masses of Hummingbird Moths around this one gorgeous plant with violet blossoms.  I stood there watching them for such a long time.  I just could not get enough of watching them flitting about. (Link for more information on Hummingbird Moths -

I had to get a bit of car maintenance business done, refilling the windshield wiper fluid.  I needed some help from “man logic” to find the latch to open the hood, learning curve! 

Enjoying the morning was just such a pleasure and as I ate breakfast and packed I kept looking out at the amazing view.  Finally though, it was time to say goodbye to my camp site friends and to make my way on my journey west.

one of the many spectacular views along the road. 
I continued along Hwy 53 with the intention of rejoining I-40 at Sanders.  I just enjoyed the drive through this region and through the Zuni Indian Reservation. 

As I left the Zuni Indian Reservation I did not even realize it that I had crossed into Arizona.  Only in the evening when I looked at that map did I make the connection!   I just blissfully drove along enjoying the amazing scenery.  

At Sanders I added some fuel to the car and then headed toward the Petrified Forest National Park.  After stopping at the information center and picking up a coffee to go, I headed through the park.  

The Painted Desert 
I am absolutely flabbergasted that such a short distance from the interstate there is such incredible scenery!   I stopped at every single viewing point and even sometimes between pull outs points to just look at and appreciate the wonders of the Painted Desert.  I ate my lunch sandwich overlooking this desert.  I thrilled to the shapes and the colours, visible as far as the eye can see.  

Finally, leaving the Painted Desert behind, I stopped at the Route 66 marker and then I crossed the interstate on the park road to enter the next section.  This section started with a historic archaeological site and then the Petrified Forest.

Petrified log 
Once again I stopped at every way-point to read and learn.  I watched a storm brewing in the distance with dark clouds building.  At Jasper Forest the sky erupted with distant lightning and thunder.  For a moment it was not even so distant, as I felt a few drops of water on my sun warmed skin.  I can now officially say that I was rained on in the desert!

All too soon the experience of being up close with these magnificent specimens of petrified trees was over and it was time to continue back to the main road.  I arrived in Holbrook at 5:30 and I was hoping for a room at the historic Wig Wam Motel. 

Unfortunately they were already fully booked and I had to be satisfied with staying next door at the Magnuson Hotel Adobe Inn where I got a very comfortable room on the second floor.  As I looked at the clock on the nightstand I realized that I had crossed into another time zone and so I am now 3 hours different from my home.

I spent the evening hard at work on notes and pictures.  I never seem to get any closer to be caught up no matter how hard I work.  I know that is just an illusion but that is how it sometimes feels.  I posted 2 blogs and two days’ worth of pictures.  I also enjoyed a lovely long chat with Mel and caught up on all my emails. 

As the sun set and the sky got dark I walked outside and down the street to see the full moon.  It was hidden by some trees but still glowing very brightly.

Finally I closed down my work and relaxed and got cozy with the 4 pillows on my bed and settled in for a good night’s sleep hoping that the images of the day would follow me into my dreams.

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 10

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