Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 – 08 – 07: Day 16 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 - From Santa Rosa to Santa Fe NM

From Santa Rosa State Park NM 
To Santa Fe NM
Distance traveled:  
116 highway miles 

The brightness of the morning sun woke me up.  The coolness of the night was already fading as I ate my breakfast and packed up my camp site.  I have to say the contrast between day and night temperatures is quite steep.  As the sun sets a fan is still welcome, but only a couple of hours later a blanket is required and by morning I have added a second blanket.  Then as the sun comes up you go from needing a cover up to short sleeves in just a few short hours.

brilliant desert blossoms
I enjoyed a quiet morning walk about taking pictures of the desert vegetation.  Such contrasts from the tiny blossoms of the wild flowers to the spiny cacti to the scrawny evergreens. 

Today’s drive took me from the wide open expanses of the arid plains to the mountains around Santa Fe. 
the vast expanse of sky
At first as I was driving along I was reminded of tales about the vastness of the sky.  It was certainly the case here.  Look in any direction and the land seems small in comparison to the enormous canopy of blue overhead.  With the horizon low and fading into the distance the sky seems to start just a hands breath above the land.  No wonder artists portray prairie scenes with just  ribbon on land covered by an expanse of blue.

the distant hills gradually draw nearer
Then as I stated driving north on 285 all of that changes.  Now in the distance hills and mountain ranges create a shadow of blue greys reaching up into the blue tapestry and there is the illusion that the mountains are growing up to meet the sky.  There were numerous places where I just wanted to pause and drink in the sight of the peaks in the distance. 

As I was entering Santa Fe and it felt like I was entering different world altogether.  The homes continue to reflect the historical adobe style of architecture.  What an amazing contrast to all the other cities I have seen so far on this trip.  

modern version of adobe style construction
I guess a part of me was surprised.  Even though I know that the historical method of building shelters in this region was the adobe style, for some reason I had not anticipated that the tradition would continue with modern construction.   

I was going to meet my friend Hope at her home, and driving into a modern neighborhood where all the homes are still finished in a traditional appearance was like a revelation.

Hope and I spent the afternoon talking and catching up and then in the evening we went to the old historic part of Santa Fe for dinner.   

Here the revelation continued.  There is hardly any distinguishing the Old from the New.   Can you imagine driving into a parking garage that looks like an adobe hut only bigger?  I would love to just wander around these streets for a couple of hours allowing the charm of this building style flow through me. I will have to come back tomorrow to do just that.  

For now we enjoyed a lovely Mexican dinner together and continued our lively discussions.   I learnt that I had passed through another time zone and so I am now 2 hours behind Toronto time.   So here it is 11 pm as I write this and my body is crying out for sleep thinking it is 1AM!   Well I will give in, shut the lights now, nighty night! 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 07

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