Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2014 – 07 – 23: Day 1 - Road Trip Across the USA - from home to Port Huron MI

For some reason getting on the road seems to be the hardest part of the trip.  I was up early as usual and got my notes and reflections done even before Mel got up.  Mel was such a help and put all the big stuff in the car.  By the time I got out to help the mattress was in as was all the camping supplies.  He even packed the mini fridge / cooler and tested it out and realized I have to unplug it when I park the car as the rear outlet gets battery juice even when the car is turned off.  

All that I had to do was pack up my entertainment stuff and my personal items.  Not a big job but I wanted to do it slowly so that I did not forget anything.  I always imagine being on the road and realizing I forgot to pack a recharging cable of a battery recharger.  So I went through each electronic item and did the inventory. 

Finally it was all done, the last bag was in the car and I set out.  I was only 20 minutes behind my target time so I was quite happy.

The clouds in the sky caused me some concern as I anticipated my first night might be in the rain.  Border crossing was OK but as anticipated they took my tomatoes and cherries that Mel had put into the cooler. 

Once across the border it was not much further to Lakeport State Park where I purchased my Michigan Recreation Pass and got a camp site for the night.  I left information at the office for Phyllis to get my camp site number so we could visit. 

The wonderful news is that as I was parking the car the sun started to come out and the clouds left the sky.  The sky got clearer and clearer, it was like the wind was blowing away all the clouds.  I had to tie down my mosquito net because I was afraid it would blow away in the wind.  I almost had my campsite all set up when Phyllis arrived.  It was like greeting an old friend.  Here we have known each other for 5 years on face book, playing games together and chatting and for the first time we meet in person.   It was wonderful. 

We enjoyed a meal together and then went to the beach for a walk along the shore line, enjoying the wild beauty of the waves and the sand and rock strewn beach.   The whole time we were sharing stories of our lives and our hopes and dreams for the future.   It is at moments like this that I wish my friends were not scattered all over the globe and that I could have them all in my own neighbourhood. 

As the evening shadows lengthened we realized it was time for goodbyes and Phyllis packed up that last of the picnic goodies before driving home.   I spent some time reading and just enjoying the lovely breeze.  Such an unusual July, usually this time of year we are wilting because of the heat and I had even anticipated that by packing an electric fan just in case. 

As darkness slowly settled in so did I, making myself comfy cozy in my camping bed.  Nighty night!

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