Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2014 – 07 – 25: Day 3 - Road Trip Across the USA - Exploring Lake Michigan Lighthouses

I was up early enough to watch the sunrise, but too late for the moon and Venus. I took a walk to the other lake to see the rising sun over the waters before breakfast.  It was a glorious morning!  Then it was time for the morning routine of packing things up and heading out on the road. 

Today’s first stop was at Sam’s Club in Traverse City for gas.  I made it with fumes to spare!  I picked up a few groceries while there and checked my email messages on the free wifi also.  Then it was time for the adventures of the day.

First was the drive up the eastern peninsula.  I stared north on M-22 and then took side roads to  follow the east coast of the peninsula as much as I could.  I stopped to take pictures of the views whenever an opportunity presented.  Just before I arrive in the town of Old Mission I spotted a fawn across the field just outside the surrounding brush.  It was awesome to see those vivid white spots.  I stopped to try and get a photo, but he twitched his ear at me, turned tail and scampered into the woods before I could even turn on my camera.   

My next stop was in the town of Old Mission for the historic General Store and rebuilt Mission Church. 

Then the drive up to the northern most tip to see the Mission Point Lighthouse.  It was a perfect spot to enjoy my lunch looking out over the bay.  The shallow waters were lined with rock art and people enjoying a refreshing stroll in the chill waters of the Grand Traverse Bay.

Coming south I drove along the west bank where there were many picturesque views to the West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay.  My final stop along this stretch of the bay was in Bryant park looking northward along the waters.  

Then it was time to start the exploration of the next peninsula and so I followed the coast west to route 22 which follows the east coast of the larger more westerly peninsula.  I drove through Suttons Bay and Omena Bay and Northport, making several scenic stops to see the bay or for interesting old buildings and or interesting sites.  The road finally brought me to Leelanau State Park where I registered for a rustic camp site overlooking the bay.  I explored the Traverse Bay Lighthouse and then enjoyed a peaceful evening watching the sun set through cloudy skies.  It rained a bit but not enough to get soaked, just enough to make sure to remind me to bring all the stuff into the car in case it pours overnight.  It was the perfect spot to get out my pan flute and practice some tunes.  The silence just called to me!

As I write these notes I am listening to the sound of crashing waves on the shore just yards from my open hatch as I enjoy the beautiful cool breezes this evening.  The sky has passed from shades of pink to mauves and now turquoise and soon it will be dark and time for lights out and sleep. 

2014 – 07 – 25
Renate Dundys Marrello 

photo link:

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