Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2014 – 08 – 03: Day 12 Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 - From Meramec Caves to Afton OK

From Meramec Caves in Missouri  
to Route 66 Motel in Afton Oklahoma 
Distance traveled:  
265 Interstate miles  
+  unknown miles for route 66 byways

I woke up freezing cold!  Overnight the temperature dropped way down!   My one sleeping bag was not enough, but I did not wake up early enough to put on a second one and go back to sleep.  So I got up instead and started moving to warm up and therefore, I was on the road really early.  

Morning mist on Meramec River 
Some campers were stoking fires in their fire pits for breakfast, but I had had enough of smoke so I packed up and decided to have breakfast at McD’s where I could also check my emails.On the way I stopped to relish the morning mist on the Meramec River. What a pretty sight!

My plans for the internet access were foiled!  Once again I experienced “cache” problems and because I did not have my notes with me I was not able to fix them on the spot.  I have to remember to clear the cache every day as part of my routine just to prevent this problem.

In front of the Wagon Wheel Motel in Cuba 
For today’s drive I followed the notes in my route 66 traveler’s guide.  I saw some amazing roadside views, some just random abandoned buildings that offered me a photographic opportunity. When I did find a tourist info place I had a current map and it was a little easier to visualize the route.   Mostly I was following the service roads either north or south of I44.   I made lots and lots of scenic stops to snap photos.  Sometimes something catches your eye too late and you have to turn around so some back tracking is always a part of the joy of travel.    

Cuba was a lovely little town and I spent some time walking around there and enjoying the ambiance and nostalgia of past times.

4M Vineyards 
I had to stop, of course, and take a picture of the giant rocking chair!  Also old rusty farm equipment beside a vineyard caught my attention. 

I speculated on the connection between route 66 and Phillips 66.   I put the thought in my mind to remember to look the information up on the internet...oh the luxury of "googling it" 

Springfield has a very interesting building that I stopped to admire.  the "Shrine Mosque" surely is very unique! 

original section of the road and bridge near Paris Springs 
I drove through the ghost town of Plano and stopped for pictures in Halltown and Paris Springs. And then I had a chance to drive on a section of the original road!  And cross an original bridge!

Mostly the roadside relics point to the changes that happen in a community when the main thoroughfare moves.  It is like the life line is severed and the people migrate and the building remain to tell the story of what used to be.  

Carthage survived, but I was there on a Sunday and the town square was deserted!   Only one other couple was out for a stroll on this beautiful sunny day.  

The country side in Missouri offers lots of rolling hills and curving roads and it quite picturesque.  As ever I have to keep an eagle eye out for route 66 road signs and still every so often I would miss a sign and then of course have to find my way back to the scenic route.

Commerce Oklahoma 
The section of Route 66 through Kansas offered up some nice surprises, and then I blinked or something, but I was in Oklahoma! I especially enjoyed the Coleman Theater in Miami. 

When I arrived in Afton OK, I decided to call it a day.   I chose the historic Route 66 Motel as my accommodations for the night.  Part of the charm of this trip is to stay in vintage places.  My room is quite funky done up with all kinds of vintage pictures.

The air conditioner is running to keep down the humidity but it is very noisy!   Hopefully by the time I am ready to sleep it will be a cool enough temperature to turn off.

I spent the evening getting some picture editing done but I am still no where near up to date.  

Renate Dundys Marrello 

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