Sunday, August 10, 2014

2014 – 08 – 02: Day 11 Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 - From Carlinville IL to Meramec Caves

From: Carlin Villa Motel in Carlinville IL 
To Meramec Caves in Missouri 
Distance traveled:  
130 Interstate Miles 
+ unknown miles for route 66 scenic byways

I started out late this morning using the internet and computer time to try to catch up a little bit on notes and sharing photos.   With long hours spent driving and sightseeing I am alas quit behind in that department.   It was 10:30 before I was finally on the road again.  

Carlinville Illinois 
I started with exploring Carlinville, and I very much felt like I was in the movie “Back to the Future” with the town square so obviously the centre of town life.  I actually really like this kind of a set up with a large central square and all the amenities right there. 

The next stretch of the road was quite nice.   I even enjoyed a short side trip to see a covered bridge.  Then I got to Granite City.   What a dismal place!   Sorry if you live here or in Venice….but the route 66 here looks like it is going through some places that have given up!   It is so very sad to see.  

McKinley Bridge 
Then it was time to say goodbye to Illinois, cross the McKinley Bridge and say hello to Missouri with a view of St Louis City.  This city was not on my list of cities to explore so now the hardest part was getting through the city and then finding the alternate routes that are route 66.  

Interior of the train station in Kirkwood 
I found the suburb of Kirkwood with its historic train station quite interesting. Especially the interior, which is quite delightful, like a time capsule from another era. 

Then the challenge was to find the next town.   I was looking for Manchester Road but it did not show up on GPS.  So I headed to the town of Manchester and found the road and the Missouri route 66 signs.  I have found in the past that once you find the town of that name, and then of course you find the road the goes there.

Things got a little easier from there.  I found it is often the “service” roads for I 44 that are the route 66 roads to look for.   That is where the route 66 signs are.  Here in Missouri they are blue and white and once again they are very helpful.   However, that being said, if you take your eyes off the road signs for a moment you can miss a sign and before you know it you are off the route and have to work your way back using the next town as a destination.  The latter part of the day there really was not very much exceptional to see so I focused on enjoying the hillier driving here in Missouri.  It was a really nice change of pace after the flat lands with acres of corn fields that I had just left behind.

And then the signage for Meramec Caverns really stated!   So many of them!  Amazing!   I followed them with ease, found the Caverns and the adjacent camp grounds.  By now it was 5 pm and I opted to make this my site for the night. 

After parking at my site I walked to the cave entrance and took the tour.  
More information on the Caverns see: 

They are really very beautiful caves and the tour is well worth the $20 entry fee.  The tour lasts for about 45 minutes and they do take you quite deep into the caves.  They even have some historic sites set up.  There was the story of Jessie James and his gang and they showed us where the gang divided up their loot and where they hid, and even their escape passage.  Then there was the Civil war history and how they used the cave.  The caves were also the filming location for some scenes in the 1979 Tom Sawyer movie and an episode of Lassie as well as an episode of the Art Linkletter show sort of a gag concerning a honey moon couple. 

inside the cavern
Naturally there were also all the beautiful and amazing natural features of the cave that are so magnificent.   Stalagmites and stalactites in all their glory! All in all I really loved this cave experience.

Back at the camp site (no electric tonight) I made a sandwich dinner and then enjoyed reading my kindle.  Once settled in for the night I did some picture editing and then as darkness enveloped the camp grounds it was time for sleep.

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 – 08 – 02

Photo link:

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