Friday, September 5, 2014

2014 – 08 – 11: Day 20 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 - From Holbrook to Flagstaff AZ

From Holbrook AZ 
To Flagstaff AZ
Distance traveled: 
92 Interstate miles 
+ unknown miles side trips on route 66 and to the Meteor Crater

It took me a while to get going this morning.  I am still adjusting to the time change so I have trouble falling asleep at night.  Then in the morning I feel groggy for the longest time.   However once I am on the road the excitement of exploring takes over.

I had an interesting stop at “Geronimo trading post” where they claim you can see “the largest example of petrified wood in the world”.  It sure was big!   I stepped into the trading post to browse and found the perfect pair of earrings to go with my “thunderbird” pendant; they look like silver feathers with the same colours of stone worked into the central vein.  How could I resist such a perfect match?

I enjoyed my stop in Winslow AZ very much.  The historic part of town is very nice and there was even a park created to commemorate the Eagles song, “Take it Easy
”, that have the words “Standing on the Corner in Winslow Arizona” in the text of the song.

You can listen to the song here on You tube

Or check out the lyrics:

Meteor Crater
After driving a few stretches of the old road I followed the signs to the Meteor Crater.   I spent a long time here just enjoying the museum and the amazing view and then going on the tour where the guide told us so much about the history and the geology of the crater.  I was a wonderful afternoon.  I watched the storm clouds building in the western sky and wondered if there would be rain today.

storm clouds over Flagstaff AZ
The final stretch for the day was the drive into Flagstaff.  The further west I got the darker the clouds got.  As I arrived at the Sam’s Club to put gas in the car it started pouring!  

I decided it would be a motel night for me.  Not far away there was a Motel 6 and I was soon checked in and settled in my room watching the intermittent rain all evening.

I got some work done on picture and notes before getting comfy with my pillows and settling in for a good night’s sleep.

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 11

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