Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2014 – 07 – 27: Day 5 - Road Trip Across the USA - Exploring Lake Michigan Lighthouses

Fog greeted me this morning as I awoke and looked out, the mist was hanging right down to the tops of the trees.  It even looks like rain could be coming!   I used the quiet time in the morning to do some work on my notes and my picture editing before packing up and heading out.

Since I did not go on the ferry trip to the island yesterday I actually have a full day to spare so I can take some time to just chill and relax.  I don’t have anywhere to be “on schedule” until Tuesday afternoon!   After checking my Garmin for a nearby McD’s that is where I headed for breakfast.  Over a breakfast muffin and a large coffee I got caught up on emails and correspondence from the last couple of days as well as getting some picture uploaded.  It rained of and on most of the morning and I think I called it correctly to use this time for catching up.

Then the clouds cleared and the sun started to peek through and I headed out on the road.  My first stop was at Green Point Dunes Nature Area for a hike.  This 2 mile loop hike took me down to the Lake Michigan Waterfront and back.  I set off with my lunch in my back pack and my umbrella just in case. 

scenic lookout along the green dunes trail 
What an amazing hike this was.  The rolling hills of the tree covered dunes, carpeted in the fresh green of undergrowth, the sweet fresh smell of green things after rain, the scenic outlooks along the way all made for a memorable journey to the shore.  Long before you can see the water you hear the steady beat of the crashing waves.  The sound envelopes you and draws you in.  

At the end of the trail there is a step staircase down to the sandy beach below.  The sun was now shining in full glory and as I stepped out of the trees canopy I was greeted by blue sky and blue lake and sparkling sands as far as the eye can see in either direction!

I removed my shoes and walked along the strand, feeling the sensation of the cool wet sand and the icy tingle of the water washing over my feet.  After a long stroll I discovered a serendipitous driftwood log just beckoning me to sit a spell and enjoy the peace and be at one with this pristine setting.   

Sitting very still and feeling the moment surround me,  I closed my eyes to let my other senses come to life.  I felt the sun’s warm caress on my skin.  I relished in the breeze in my hair.  I stepped into the sound of the waves and opening my mouth I allowed the flavor of sea air to penetrate my spirit.  I buried my feet in the sand and for just a moment I felt rooted in time, like a tree watching the passage of moving creatures all around and yet still in the midst of all that activity.  

I imagined what it would feel like to be a tree, to sit in one place at the mercy of the elements…what would it feel like here in the middle of winter in an ice storm without the ability to get up and move somewhere more protected?   

Reluctantly I returned to a more normal state of mind and made my way back up the beach to the waiting stairway. 

At the base of the stairs I just had to take another moment to enjoy the beauty spread before me.  Then dusting the sand off my feet and putting my shoes back on I climbed back up into the forested slopes and the return trail.  

The sound of the crashing waves remained for quite some time before the now deafening silence took over.  All of a sudden my breathing sounded loud in my ears and no matter how carefully I placed my feet upon the leave strewn trail, my footsteps sounded so loud!  There is no way that I could sneak up on anyone with such loud stomping footsteps.  Then the bird song chimed in and my awareness turned from the sea to the sound of rustling leaves and bird chirps.  A peaceful transition back to the end of the trail, the car and the drive to the next stopping place.

I continued south the rest of the afternoon on M-22 stopping on the roadside or slowing down to take in the beautiful scenery and watching the clouds once again fill the sky.  

scenic lookout and view to a foggy coastline
At a lovely scenic overlook I took the stairs to the overlook and realized that not only had the day clouded over but a dense fog has also pulled in.  Even though the view was shrouded in mist it had an eerie beauty all its own.  The water below was just a hint of blue through the mist and the coastline disappeared from view just a short distance away. 

My next stop was at the side of the road, beside Acadia Bluff Golf Course.  Thick woods prevented a view to the lake, but I captured a lovely glimpse of the golf course and got a few pictures for my golf friends.  And then suddenly just like that the fog rolled in!  Visibility was now down to only about 30 yards / meters and just as I got back to the car spitting rain started.

As I am driving toward Orchard Beach State Park for the next lighthouse and to set up camping the skies opened up and pouring rain came down.  Buckets, or cats and dogs....your call.  I got wet just opening up my umbrella.

Now, I love camping...but I am not so keen on camping on wet soaking camp sites and tramping around and setting up in the rain and then being damp and chilled all night.  So I am NOT a die-hard camper!   Yes I went soft and registered at the Microtel in Manistee Michigan!

Of course, now as I am writing these journal notes, the sun is poking fun at me for wimping out!   But I checked the forecast and more rain is on its way....I believe I made the right call. 

I used the evening hours to do “travel laundry” in the sink and to get caught up some on picture editing.  I chatted with Mel on the phone and responded to all my emails.  It was a pleasant way to spend the evening and as I looked out the window and saw more clouds and more rain I was glad of the decision that I had made.

2014 – 07 – 27 
Renate Dundys Marrello 

Picture link:  

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