Wednesday, July 8, 2015

2015 – 06 – 30: Day 16 Scenic Destinations - Theodore Roosevelt National Park – day of the Bison

Scenic Destinations Day 15
From Theodore Roosevelt National Park to Watkins and back again
Total distance:   36 miles

Garbage bin as scratching post!  
This morning it was very overcast and I decided to go to the small town of Watkins ND for breakfast.  Breakfast became lunch because I encountered a herd of Buffalo grazing by the roadside in the park.  I parked the car and watched them for a couple of hours.  I took a bunch of pictures and even did a sketch.

that is one hearty meal!

The lady at the front entrance gave me directions to a restaurant.  I followed her instructions and found the "little Missouri for an "all day breakfast" eggs bacon, hash brown and toast.  yummy.

I was delighted to discover that I also had internet access and got a few emails sent off.

I checked the GPS just in case there was a golf course nearby and I was in luck.  Watkins Municipal Golf Course was only 5 minutes away and they had a driving range.  I got a bucket of balls for $10.00 and enjoyed working on my golf swing. 

I had cell reception so I phoned Mel and we chatted about the bison and my golf and his golf plans with his friends. 

abandoned on the hill top 
On the drive back to the park I stopped to take some pictures of some old relics.

Back in the park, I once again encountered several groups of wildlife. 

A group of long horn cows resting by the river, a group of bison resting in the sandy  shade of a cliff face. 

Right at the side of road - so close!

There were even still lots hanging around in the same spot I saw them this morning. They were really close to the roadside munching on the green grasses there found there. 
cute calf 

Cannonball Concretions 

Because they were so close to the roadside I was able to get some great photos.  The mom and calf were fun to watch. 

Finally, tearing myself away from the herds, I took a short hike by the “cannon balls” and marveled at the roundness of these natural formations.   

The skies are clearing but there are still substantial clouds.  I hope they are blown away by tomorrow night as I would love to experience the full moon range led walk at the south park.  The breezes are blowing and I am hopeful the will push those clouds eastward.   The breezes also make for a more pleasant temperature though they don’t seem to help too much at keeping the bugs away.  Even with liberal use of bug spray I am getting lots of bites. 

Back at my picnic shelter I got caught up on transcribing my wagon train notes.  It remains overcast and cloudy.

At my camp site I settled I for the evening, eating dinner, and relaxing.  A ranger dropped in with a severe weather warning, with hurricane force winds.  The storm path is north of here but he said to tie everything down well just in case.  He also said to head to the restrooms for secure shelter if things got bad.  That is easy on the mind to go to sleep with!

Late in the evening I was awoken by a bright light!  Where did that come from?  I looked out to see the almost full moon was brilliantly shining into my sleeping chamber.  How awesome!  

Renate Dundys Marrello 

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