Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015 – 06 – 29: Day 15 Scenic Destinations - Theodore Roosevelt National Park – north branch

From Dickinson ND
To Theodore Roosevelt National Park – north branch
Driving Distance:  71 miles //  scenic trail through the park there and back:  28 miles

I had a lovely day driving to and entering into the Theodore Roosevelt National Park (north branch).  It was an easy find. 

amazing yellow fields 
On the drive there I saw some amazing yellow fields.  I tried to get a photo show how brilliant the colour was.  

entering Badlands country 

As I entered the North Dakota Badlands I started to see some stunning scenery and pulled into a couple of roadside stops to just admire the views.

Just after I entered the park a rabbit scampered across my path. I took this as a good sign that there is wildlife here.

view from my camp site 
I set up my camp site which is right on the Little Missouri River with a stunning view!  A few steps from the picnic table I can watch the river flowing by and when I look up I see the lovely sculpted rock surfaces of the weathered rock cliffs. 

This park is very quiet.  There are very few people around and the camp sites are quite secluded with hedges of trees all around.  

Then it was time to go exploring.   The scenic road is 15 miles long and the scenes along the way are so very amazing!!!

view to the Little Missouri River 

I stopped to do a sketch at River Bend Overlook. There was a lovely shelter here to protect me from the heat of the blazing sun.

View from Oxbow Overlook 

At the end of this road is Oxbow Overlook.  It marks the highest point along this scenic road and there is a panoramic view to the river valley below.  Because I was so high up I also got some cell reception and was able to call and talk to Mel.

Oh my goodness I took so many pictures!  everywhere I looked there was another wonder to behold!

Map of drive from Dickinson ND to Oxbow Overlook 

Sketch of view at River Bend Overlook 

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