Saturday, July 4, 2015

2015 - 06 - 24: Day 10 of Scenic Destinations - fourth day on the wagon train

preparing eggs for 150 
I heard the first rustling of the crew at 5 am.  Then I heard the sounds of the people preparing breakfast.  

I felt wide awake and quickly had my gear packed and left my tent for a morning walk about.  

The stunning shade of the sky before dawn 

I watched the sun coming up over the hill and enjoyed a fresh cup of coffee.  I am learning to drink the first sips black as I can’t get any milk until breakfast is served.

And the sun rises over the hill top 

Today’s breakfast was sausages and oatmeal, bread with butter or jam.   And Milk!!!, which I add to the remaining coffee in my cup.  By now it is cold but to me it tastes so much better.

Now I pack up my tent and today it has had a little more time for the dew to dry, however it is still damp.  After bringing my gear to the baggage trailer I found myself a spot to sketch and tried to capture Fran checking out the river crossing.  My art work seems to be getting lots of fans.  Even though they are only rough sketches people really are supportive of my efforts which is so encouraging.

the walkers prepare to brave the river crossing 
Fran and one other walker set out early to wade across the river.  For some reason the video of their crossing failed to turn out! Sadly I still don't understand all the functions of this new camera. 

Wagons cross the river 

Now it is our turn.  Everyone into the wagons and the horses pull us through the water.  What excitement to experience a river crossing!  Mind you this was only a small shallow river.  We did not have to battle swift currents or fear losing gear. 

Today is another very warm and bright and sunny day.  For the first stretch we pass through wild fields of tall grasses.  There are swarms of mosquitoes and I am sure the walkers are also encountering ticks.  Today for the first time we needed repellent even during the day and while sitting in the wagons.

At the biffy break I once again walked ahead of the wagons joining Fran and a couple of others.  When my wagon caught up with me I climbed on board.  I am now quite proficient at getting on a moving wagon!

Leap frog
Today is a short day and we were instructed to set up camp while lunch was being prepared.  The plan for the afternoon is games for the children.  I helped Dyan use the “bucket method” of rinsing so she could wash her hair.  Only cold water so it is not so much fun , but she felt better knowing her hair was clean. 

It is a good thing that we had the tents set up because just as we finished lunch the dark rain clouds started gathering.  I grabbed my pencils and sketched the dark and ominous clouds. When it started to rain I joined everyone else as we all ran for shelter.  Luckily it was only a relatively short shower. 

As the skies cleared we started the games and then we had another shower and all scattered to our tents once more.  

Rainbow over the wagon
After this second shower the skies cleared and the sun came out and the rest of the evening was lovely and sunny. As I walked around to get some photographs a lovely rainbow appeared in the sky.  I also took some time to finish my scenery sketch as I only got the sky done before the storm. 

Everyone pull!

The game activities finished with a big tug o war contest. 

Preparing fry bread
I watched them cooking “fry bread”.  Fry bread is basically a bread dough that is deep fried and the coated with sugar and cinnamon. 

Thickening the stew

Tonight’s dinner:  A lovely stew made with beef, peas, carrots and potato chunks. Fruit salad, bread and butter, the fried bread and of course my favorite glass of milk.

I am on “fleecing duty” today which involves walking around and picking up any garbage that may have been left scattered around.  Once this was done I got my wash basin filled with water and then it was time to settle in for my evening ritual, sponge bath, reading and sleep. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 

checking out the river crossing 

storm clouds gathering 

plan your own Wagon Train adventure.

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