Saturday, July 4, 2015

2015 - 06 - 25: Day 11 of Scenic Destinations - fifth day on the wagon train

Once again I was up early to the sounds of the breakfast team.  The sun was only just rising.  I love the colours of the early morning sky. 

Coffee was my first goal and spurred me on to quickly finish my morning packing.  As I have come to expect coffee is served black and I sip it slowly and then add my milk as I pass down the breakfast serving line. 

This morning even with waiting till after breakfast my tent was really still quite soaked with dew.  The droplets were just too big to evaporate in that short amount of time. 

The air is still this morning, no moderating breezes and the temperature just keeps rising.  It promises to be a hot day.  The horses are hitched and the wagon train is underway shortly after. 

lining up for biffy break 

A biffy break is really a lesson in taking turns.  

The road stretches on and on 

After the biffy stop I once again walked ahead of the wagons.  The scenery is stunning!  this stretch of road reminds me of the "Hobbit" and the phase  "the road stretches ever on"

Getting down with nature 

When you stoop down low to observe a small flower, suddenly you have a whole new perspective of the plains. 

Wide open spaces 

Sometimes the vastness of the open spaces leaves you feeling dwarfed and small. 

Lunch in the tall grasses 
Our lunch stop today was in an unmowed field within a small dip.  Not a breeze to cool things off!    The grasses were knee tall all around and it was good to have blankets today to create a space to picnic on.  Today I was on duty for lunch preparation and I was assigned to slicing tomatoes and onions. 

The children in the grass remind me of scenes out of "Little house on the prairie"  

After the lunch buffet we were the recipients of a surprise visit from a bakery.  They delivered cold drinks for everyone and a special dessert called “Kuchen”  which they pronounced “Kugen”.  The recipe is based on a traditional old German custard cake with fruit filling.   I really enjoyed my slice of apple cinnamon flavor.  

With lunch duties and surprise visit I had no time for sketching today.  I really felt the stifling heat and was good and happy to be moving when the wagon train got underway once again.  

Biffy break by the beef 
The afternoon ride was filled with good humour, laughter and singing.  Was it the extra sugar in the cold drinks or are we just starting to really gel as wagon train family?  Even the biffy stop made me chuckle.   

The evening camp set up was accomplished quickly and efficiently.  Yes practice does improve performance!  Tonight they organized group pictures wagon by wagon so we were encouraged to “dress for the period”.   I also took some time to wash my hair this evening.  A cold water wash is better than no wash and on a hot day like today it felt very refreshing. 

Tonight’s dinner:  Chicken, boiled potatoes, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot pasta salad.   There was apple crisp for dessert which was very tasty. 

Tonight there was a birthday celebration for Maggie who turned 9!   Birthday cake was served!

Tired after a long hot day I was quite happy to retire to my tent for a cold water sponge bath, some reading and then settle in for a good sleep.

Renate Dundys Marrello 

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