Monday, July 6, 2015

2015 - 06 - 27: Day 13 Scenic Destinations - final day of the Wagon Train Adventure

I awoke this morning to the thought that it was the last day of the wagon train adventure.  I was on duty to serve breakfast so I got to work packing up my sleeping gear and doing a final sort to prepare for the parade later this morning.

Then I headed to the chuck wagon to let them know I was ready and available while I went for a cup of coffee.  Getting coffee early ensures that you don’t get a cup full of grounds!

Seems like a lot of people slept in this morning because the parade is not until 10 am.  The breakfast crowd was much smaller than usual and service was over fairly quickly.  I then had my breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and prunes and added a lot of milk to my coffee. Then off for the last time taking down the tent and packing up onto the baggage wagon.

Gradually the rest of the camp got underway but I had plenty of time to do one more sketch for my collection.  I have had a few requests to share my art which is very flattering.

By 10 we were all dressed in period outfits and ready to walk the parade through the town of Carrington.  It was a pretty 1 hour walk with people lined up on the streets to wave to us. 

waiting for the bus
Then it was back to the camp site for lunch and final packing up and then waiting for the bus to take us back to Jamestown.  It was a good time to collect a final few emails for the people that I want to stay connected with.

The bus trip to our cars parked in the field at Fort Seward took about 1.5 hours.  I want to look at the map given us by the leaders of the adventure to see how far we actually traveled on the wagon train. 

Final collecting of my luggage and stowing it in my car and it was time to say goodbye to my wagon train family.  So long!   It has been fun.  But all things come to an end and now it is on to the next event for all of us. 

A short drive brought me to the motel where I registered for the night.  I brought all my camping gear into the room and began the process of sorting and putting away for car camping mode.  The big job was taking all the dirty laundry to the laundromat (just across the parking lot).  After several times back and forth finally all was washed and dried.  

Now some time for catching up on my correspondence and working on my pictures and travel blogs.

It was so grand to take a shower and wash my hair!  After basin sponge baths all week it felt like a really marvelous treat.

Now lights out and sleep in a real bed!

Morning at the camp site 

plan your own Wagon Train adventure.

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