Thursday, September 11, 2014

2014 – 08 – 14: Day 23 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 side trip - From St George Utah to Henderson Nevada

From St George Utah
To visit friends in Henderson Nevada
Distance traveled: 135 miles

I was not planning a long distance drive today, only a 2 hour drive to Las Vegas so I used the morning to do some work on my notes and my pictures.

Interstate 15 driving south from St George Utah 
The drive south from St George was spectacular.  The mountain pass was just awesome.  The speed limit was posted at 50 MPH which I followed but I was surprised at the number of people passing me doing well over that.  The winding roads and sharp curves to me, seemed to really need the slower speed to travel them safely.  Plus, how can you enjoy such a view when driving so fast that all your concentration is on the road.  I guess when you see this scene every day some people become jaded and do not see the beauty before them in the rush to get where they are going.  I find that sad, here is such a gift for the senses and so many overlook it or take it for granted.

Nevada - desert, cactus and mountains
This short drive covered 3 states.  I stated in Utah, crossed into Arizona for a short while and then I was in Nevada.  Once in the valley it was all expansive desert vistas.  Tumble weed and desert grasses and tall cactuses all against the backdrop of distant mountains.  My eyes get fooled by the distances, what looks like a gravel pile of rocks is really a far off tall mountain.

I passed several Casinos; well that is what this area is known for right?  Then there was the exit for Las Vegas.  I drove in on the road past the race track and the army base and then stopped at Sam’s club for gas and some groceries.  I also got some wine to bring to my friend and her husband.

a relaxing spot to rest and read 
The afternoon was hot and my choices were to walk on the strip (hot concrete in the sun) or find a park with a bit of shade and relax.  I chose the latter.  The nearby neighbourhood park was just perfect for spreading out my towel to lie on and read my latest book on Kindle. 

When I left to go to my friend's home, I had trouble with my Garmin again.  Once again it was not recharging and no matter how much I tried to readjust the chord it just was not getting a good enough connection to recharge.  So with fingers crossed that the battery power of the unit would last until I got to there, I set off.  It was only a ½ hour drive, but it felt so much longer as I expected to lose power at any moment.

All the worry was in vain, I arrived before the power ran out!   It was delightful to be greeted at the door my by friend and welcomed into her home.  Even though she and her family had only just finished moving in a few days earlier, they were eager to share their hospitality with me.  I was introduced to her grown children.  In the evening we went for a lovely swim in the back yard pool.  What a beautiful way to enjoy the sunset over the neighbourhood rooftops, from the cool refreshing waters of the pool!  

Later, we all sat down for a late super (BBQ sausages with vegetable) and great dinner time conversation. 

The extra sheets have not yet been unpacked so I volunteered to get my sleeping bag from the car.  I was thankful that there was a bed to sleep on, so problem easily solved.   It was time to say goodnight dear friends and see you in the morning.  A few moments taken to download pictures and I was ready for sleep as well.

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 14  

Photo link:

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