Saturday, September 6, 2014

2014 – 08 – 13: Day 22 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 side trip to see the Grand Canyon

From Tuba City AZ
to North Rim Grand Canyon
then to St George Utah
Distance traveled:
213 Hwy miles
+ 88 mile round trip to Canyon North Rim
+ Rim Trail

puddles in Tuba City
I woke up so early that the sky was just getting light.  I packed up in the rain!  There were puddles everywhere!  So here I am in the desert and I bring the rain!

I drove to the Mc’D’s just down the street to use the internet and send off a few messages…not much battery power left but just enough!   And yes, it was still raining as I left.

Next I stopped at the Shell station to top up the tank as per Mel’s suggestion, don’t know when the next station may be, so he suggested I fill up whenever the opportunity presents.   

Rainy Day - Water in the Washes
It was an interesting drive to the north rim in the rain.  I got to see puddles and rivulets on the desert!   I saw water in the “Washes”  (WASH - A narrow, constricting dry bed of an intermittent stream, as at the bottom of a canyon, typically dry but subject to rapid flow during flash flooding.)

The next part of the journey was traveling North on 89.  Where 89A went west I noticed that 89 that continued north was closed.  Construction or Accident I don’t know, but I did reflect for a moment that I had chosen to drive north to Page for accommodations last I would have been in trouble.   There were no signs on the highway driving north that gave any indication about the road closure, strange?

Vermilion Cliffs
Hwy 89A travels westward into the hills and is also called “Vermilion Cliffs Scenic Road 

On the right, to the north, there was a constant stunning array of red rock mountains and to the south wide open views of yellow soil and sparse desert vegetation.

Soon the winding road started climb up toward the mountains.  Then the road brought me to the Colorado
Navajo Bridge across the Colorado River 
River.  I stopped at the small parking area to take some pictures of the view and the bridge over the canyon.  There was some jewelry vendors set up along the eastern perimeter of the parking area.  I have seen many of these at the “vendors” on sides of the road but this one looked very clean and well maintained, there was a pride of ownership showing here.

I took a moment to look at some of the wares and I bought a green jade elephant pendant, said to represent Longevity along with other things (  I also fell in love with, and had to have a pair of silver earring designe to look like feathers.

The jewelry artist woman, made some adjustments to my turtle so that I could put it as a pendant on my silver chain.  While she did this I asked about the rain, thinking it was unusual for rain in the desert.  She told me this is the “monsoon” season in the desert and that it is normal to rain during the monsoon.  

I continued on the lovely scenic road.  The winding twisting roadway was spectacular with an ever-changing display of amazing vermilion cliffs and sparse desert grasses. 

Rock House

 The Rock Houses near Cave Dwellings was a most interesting scenic stop.  The rain let up a little while I walked around to take pictures of these unique homes.

Then the real climb began.  I think the Volvo does not like altitude or rain or steep roads or a combination of the above, I can see the gas gauge needle dropping!

The higher I got into the mountain, the denser the cloud cover and the more rain.  It went from spitting to pouring.  The windshield wipers went from occasional use to all the time use.

Lush forest on the Way to North Rim
At the turn off into the park from Alt Hwy 89A, there was a Chevron gas station so I topped up yet again.  This time there was no need for a zip code at this Chevron, the attendant said it was because they got so many tourists here.  It is still a 1 hour drive north from this turn off to the Rim, most of it drive south is through a green luxuriant valley, and still the rain came pouring down.

At the North Rim Visitor Centre there were puddles and rivers of rainwater covering the sidewalk.  Impossible to walk without getting your feet wet.  So even with an umbrella to keep the top half of me dry, I was wet up to my knees by the time I got inside.

The attendant gave out the map and directions and a ray of hope that a strong wind would blow away the clouds and reveal the canyon.  I drove the 45 minute route to the end point of the Rim Observation Trail.  At every overlook point that I passed I looked out a dense cloud cover and what they call “soup” in the canyon.  There is zero visibility.

At the end of the road there is a huge parking lot and I joined the half a dozen other hopeful souls waiting for a turn in the weather.  

Since I had no reserved camp site at the Park and had to get back down the mountain and onto the main road, I decided to give the weather 2 hours to change before turning around and leaving the park.  

I got cozy on my car bed and read and did some Sudoku and some knitting and at the end of the allotted time, it was still pouring rain and if anything the cloud cover and fog had gotten even thicker.

North Rim Grand Canyon in the Rain and the "soup"
On the way back down I stopped at the road side scenic overviews to see the canyon shrouded in mist, and fog and rain.   What a contrast to yesterday’s views!   I may not have seen the Canyon with a view, but I did see the Canyon shrouded in mist.

It takes almost 2 hours retrace the scenic trail and then to get through the park and back to the main road, hwy 89A.  Hwy 89A takes you west down the mountain once more.  This drive is all downhill it seems and the next 2 hours pass with the rain clearing the further I get away from the canyon mountain.  At a scenic rest stop on Hwy 89A   there is a grand view toward the Vermillion Hills to the north and the sun is shining beautifully in the west.

In the valley, at the town of Fredonia AZ, the sun is shining and late afternoon shadows create a stark contrast of light and shade. 

Sunny Hwy 389 traveling westbound 
 Turning Westbound on highway 389, I continue driving into the setting sun.  It is shining brightly and looking west the weather is clear.  Looking back over my shoulders, to the south and east, the canyon area is in a dark patch of rain cloud…it almost seems centered right over the park.

The amazing views of rusty red Vermillion Mountains is always on my right side and to the left a vast spread of desert scrub.  

After Colorado City I crossed the state border into Utah. I was not expecting that I would be crossing into Utah during this part of the trip so it is kind of a bonus. Then there is this spectacular drop into the valley into the town of Hurricane Utah

Amazing Mountain View
Arriving at Interstate 15, I was in awe of the mountain view all around.  It just makes me want to sing praises to the glories of nature and the amazing landscape that I am traveling through.  I didn’t know where to look first, but I had to keep my mind on the road at the same time, all I can say is that it was an amazingly scenic drive!

Just a short drive south on I-15 brought me to St George where I found a quaint little motel and settled in for the night.  By now it was 7:30.  What a long day, a much longer drive than I like to do in one day, but mission accomplished…got to the north rim!  Didn’t see much but I can say that I saw the north rim in the fog and rain.

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 13 

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