Friday, September 5, 2014

2014 – 08 – 12: Day 21 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 - side trip to the Grand Canyon

From Flagstaff Arizona 
side trip to see the Grand Canyon – South Rim
to Tuba CityArizona 
Distance traveled: 166 miles plus

I woke up to sunshine!  Delightful!  The ground is covered in puddles and there are water drops everywhere, but the sky is clear!

Flagstaff Arizona 
My first stop was in down town Flagstaff where I parked in the Tourist information centre that is located inside the historic train station.  I walked around historic down town Flagstaff and enjoyed the architecturally interesting details of the historic buildings.

Driving north on Hwy 64 

Leaving Flagstaff, I drove west on Interstate 40 to the town of Williams where Hwy 64 goes north to South Rim Grand Canyon.  As soon as the road goes north it starts to climb and climb up into the hills.  The further north I get the more the clouds gather.  I watch the clouds slowly block out the sun and wonder what that will do for visibility at the canyon.

I bought my park pass and entered the park.  By following the signs I made my way to the super huge and super full parking lots.  After making a mental note of which parking lot and what area of the lot I was parked in I made my way to the south rim for a hike along the edge.

View of the Canyon from the South Rim
The walk along the rim is well paved and manicured with safety rails (that some people ignore).  I enjoyed a long walk along the South Rim in a soft drizzly kind of rain.  I sure am glad I packed my umbrella.  I tried to take pictures where there were items of interest in the foreground because there was some mist in the distance making the long distance shots a little hazy. 

View of the Canyon Trail 
In the afternoon I drove east on Hwy 64, along the rim and stopped at all the pull outs and scenic over looks along the way.  It was fun to walk on the trails when the opportunity arose.  One trail leads down into the canyon, but since this is not one of those kinds of adventures, I only walked a short way down just to be able to say that I did so.

Elk by the parking lot
At the final stop before the park exit I saw an elk eating grasses at the edge of the parking lot.  He (I presume as he had lovely big antlers) seemed really calm and did not get bothered by the many people standing around taking his picture.

Then, driving on the road out of the park, I saw two more elk (mother and foal) in the distance crossing the road.  They ran off into the brush as I got closer.

It was after 5 pm when I left the park and now it was time to look for a place to stay.  Not many choices!  When I did stop, there was no vacancy!   It was getting darker and I headed for Tuba City because the big hotel chain “Quality Inn” came up on the GPS.  Since this was a bigger chain I was hopeful that they would have something available.  

I was wrong, they had no rooms left!   However, they also run an RV and camp ground facility, and there I was able to get a tent site but only non-electric were left.  I had just enough light left to set up camp.  I did not put up the mosquito tarp because it so looked like rain, and I did not feel like folding up a wet net in the morning.  It was already cool, so I knew that I could open the car windows just a crack and not worry about it getting too stuffy in the car.  It was dark as I ate dinner (tinned tuna sandwich and Guinness) and I needed my lantern to see. 

After an action packed day I was pretty tired and I got into my car bed to settle in for some reading, and then the rain came pouring down.  I closed the windows to even tinier slits to stay dry and got out both of my sleeping bags to get cozy and warm.  I fell asleep to the patter of rain on the car roof. Every time I woke up during the night it was to the sound of the pitter patter of the rain drops.  It rained all night, I know this because every time I woke up, it was to the same sound of raindrops falling on the car roof.

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 12

Picture Link: 

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