Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2014 – 08 – 16 & 17: Day 25 & 26 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 66 side trip to Las Vegas

Day 25 

I was up early today because I wanted to explore the strip in the early morning while the lingering cool of the night still resists the heat of the day to come.  By 8 AM I was at the north end of Las Vegas on the drive south along the strip.  

North Las Vegas - covered strip
When I arrived at the North Las Vegas covered walkway I found a nearby parking spot (free parking starts about 8 blocks away) and then went to explore the North Las Vegas strip.  Even early in the morning there were plenty of people around though many of the vendors were just starting to set up for the day’s business. 

Wedding Chapel 

After walking back to the car I continued my drive south.  I saw several “wedding chapels” and even discovered a piece of “route 66” retro art. 

one of many views along the strip 

Gradually the traffic built up until I was inching my way forward through the “popular” strip.  I never saw any signs for parking and discovered later that all the parking is in behind the big casinos so that you have to walk through the gambling to get out to the street and then back to your car. 

However, with the stop and go pace of the traffic I had plenty of time to rubber neck and see all the talked about landmark sights.

Once at the end of the built up strip, I made my way back to Susanne and Dan’s place where after a quick bit for lunch we headed out for a boat trip on Lake Mead.

I got to see the Lakeshore Drive this time from the passenger side of the car and once again marveled at the Lake in the middle of the desert. 

Dan and Susanne’s new boat was waiting for its maiden voyage and after we all settled onto the boat it was time for my friends to take turns learning how to maneuver.  Even though the water level is so severely down it is still an awesomely big man-made lake. 

Hoover Dam as seen from Lake Mead
We took a cruise all the way to the Hoover Dam….well as far as they allow boat travel to go.  There is a very clear demarcation line indicating the end of the approach. 

After viewing the Hoover Dam from the Lake Meade side we found a quiet alcove and moored the boat so we could take a swim.  A cool swim is wonderful on a hot day!  However once out of the water and dried off it does not take long to get warm / hot once again.

All too soon it was time to dock the boat and pack up our miscellaneous items to head back to the car and get ready for the drive back home. 

After a shower and change of clothes we all headed out to dinner.  At a local neighbourhood restaurant we enjoy a lovely family meal together.  I ordered my favorite meal, nachos.  All the food was delicious but the portions were huge.  I ended up needing a “to go” box because I still have over half of the dinner on my plate.

On the drive home I got to see the night lights of Las Vegas shining in the distance and the stars overhead.  What a wonderful ending to a wonderful day.

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 16

Picture link:

Day 26 

I took a “rest day”!    I stayed in to work on pictures and blogs, to read and catch up on correspondence.   You may not know this…but adventuring is hard work! 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 17 

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