Thursday, March 12, 2015

2014 – 09 – 27 & 28: Day 4 and 5 – Fall Colours In Muskoka - Huntsville to Bracebridge

Day 4 
Today is a rest and relax day!   I slept in late and after a late morning shower I had a quiet day communing with nature and reading and occupying my time with some photo editing.

I did my meditation smelling the fragrance of the pines that surround my camp site.  I had no desire to leave, it was just a perfect day in the outdoors.

I watched the chipmunks scampering around the campsite and put out a few crumbs for them.  I chatted with neighbouring campers.  The highlight of the day was a woodpecker that worked at digging out bugs from a tree on my camp sight.  I did not have my camera ready and by the time I got it set up I only got a short video clip before he moved on to another area of the forest. 

I am happy to say that my Yellow Jacket sting is getting better.  Over the course of the day the swelling has gone down and it is much less itchy than last night.  I will take some more antihistamine and keep my anti-itch cream handy just in case. 

As it got dark, thick clouds pulled in and so I was not able to star gaze tonight. Instead, I settled in with my book and listened to the night sounds. 

Day 6
Scenic driving distance 98.5 km 

I slept so late this morning, that most of the morning chill was gone. After breakfast I took some time to check my plans for the day, and packing up time and I was on my way.

Big Bend Overlook Arrowhead Provincial Park 

First stop was for a short hike to the Big Bend River Lookout From the platform there is this amazing scenic view.  

Hiking Trail to Stubb's Falls 

Next I did the hike to see the Stubb’s falls.  Not only was the hike enjoyable with the sun filtering through the autumn coloured leaves but the falls were spectacular!  

Stubb's Fall in Arrowhead Provincial Park 
I spent a long time just standing there and enjoying their beauty.  Because it was such a lovely day and it is a weekend there were lots of other people doing the same thing.   The rocks were crowded with people looking at and taking pictures of the falls.

The second half of the trail, going back to the parking area was not as well maintained as the trail in.  There were lots of muddy areas where I had to really watch my footing to not sink ankle deep in mud.  I was happy to see the roadway.

My next stop was in the town of Huntsville for a coffee and wifi break.  Then it was time for my planned scenic drive.  I parked whenever I spotted a place to stop and enjoy the scenery.  I love it when there is no pressure to cover distance.

view from Huntsville Heritage Museum 

There was the lovely small lake by the Muskoka Heritage Place.

Brunell Lift Locks Park - Huntsville 

The next stop was at the Historic Brunell Lift Locks where there was a scenic park just perfect for walking by the water on a glorious sunny autumn day.

climbing tree park in Port Sydney 

From there it was driving south along Muskoka route 2 and then Muskoka route 10 toward Port Sydney where I discovered a most delightful riverside parkette with the most amazing climbing tree!  What fun to watch people climbing the low branches overhanging the Muskoka River.

Port Sydney waterfront view 

In Port Sydney I had a lovely roadside stop to look out over the lake toward Rocky Island.

My next destination was Utterson which I reached by crossing Highway 11 and connecting with Muskoka route 141

Farmlands near Uffer 

There were numerous twists and turns a various country roads to go through Uffer to Windermere. It was a most scenic drive through farm lands interspersed with clear blue lakes.  

Windermere - View to Lake Rosseau

In Windernere I enjoyed a scenic stroll along the waterfront of Lake Rosseau.  The sunshine gleaming on the water, the warm breath of a sunny autumn day in a quiet little vacation town far off the beaten track, it was a peaceful perfect moment.

Country Road 25 along the shores of Lake Rosseau

Leaving Windermere I had to retrace the road back to the intersection that goes to Port Carling. Country road 25 roughly follows the shoreline of Lake Rosseau.  Then a right turn onto 118W brought me Port Carling.  

Port Carling Lock 

The Muskoka Lakes Museum was already closed for the season but I enjoyed a lovely walk around the picturesque small town and explored the lock that bypasses the rapids along the narrow channel that connects Lake Rosseau with Mirror Lake.

By now it was early evening so I made my way to Bracebridge to the local McDonalds’ for dinner and some WiFi time to catch up on correspondence.  Then it was off to the “Sleep Inn” where I settled in for the night.

Renate Dundys Marrello 

Link to more pictures 
My Facebook Reflections Page  

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