Thursday, March 26, 2015

2014 - 10 - 21: Day 2 - Adventure Along the Blue Ridge Parkway - Through Shenandoah National Park along Skyline Drive

We started the day early with breakfast with a view, watching the sun rising from our table by the window.

We got out plans organized and booked accommodations for tonight before heading out on the road.  The sun was shining brightly as we drove south to Front Royal.  

Front Royal - Riverton Park - Shenandoah River 

It was a lovely bright morning.  Our first activity of the day was a short walk beside the Shenandoah River.  This is a boat launching area with a marker on the Civil War Trail. 

Cats and Vultures hanging out together 

The view to the river was pleasant but there were so many vultures!!!!  I think they hang out here because this is where a lot of fishing takes place and they enjoy all those fish guts.  As we were leaving we also notices a lot of cats; I guess they are here for the same reason!

Our next stop after driving through old historic Front Royal was at the Skyline Caverns where we took a 1 hour tour of the caves!   I love the sound of the word "spelunker" and it is fun to say "I am a spelunker"   I love caving!

Shenandoah National Park - Dickey Ridge Overlook 

From there it was a very short drive to the Shenandoah National Park where we drove along the Skyline Drive which stays high up on the mountain ridge.  There were so many beautiful overlooks. At one there were some picnic tables and this is where we enjoyed our lunch. 

Shenandoah National Park - rainbow at Gimlet Overlook 
The day which started sunny was gradually getting more and more overcast.  About mid-afternoon it started a misty rain and over time it turned into a pouring rain.   There were so many amazing mountain vistas and breathtaking views.  The misty rain, mixed with rays of sunshine, were the perfect mix to form a rainbow that I got to see arching through the valley below. 

Shenandoah National Park - Skyline Drive 

The forest grows right up to the sides of the road and on two occasions we sighted a deer grazing at the side of the road. Unfortunately as soon as we got close they charged into the brush and there was no opportunity to take a picture. 

Shenandoah National Park 

I loved the tunnel that we drove through and the numerous panoramic overlooks. 
Shenandoah National Park - Point Overlook 

We took Hwy 33 down into the valley and to the town of Stauntaon VA.  We were happy to get in out of the rain and watched the sun setting in the west make a brief appearance through a narrow band of clearing sky along the horizon.   From our window we can see the mountains off in the distance.  A perfect ending to a beautiful day. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 - 10 - 21 

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