Sunday, March 29, 2015

2014 - 10 - 23: Day 4 Adventure Along Blue Ridge Parkway - in the hills from Virginia to North Carolina

From Hillsview Virginia
To Travelers Rest South Carolina

After a later than usual start we were on the road by 10 am.  It was a beautiful sunny day on the Blue Ridge parkway! Awesome scenery everywhere you look more views and more fabulous fall colours.  At one point we were over 5300 feet up! What amazing views!

South of Fancy Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Brilliant colours of fall on a sunny day 

From Hillsville we took Fancy Gap / Hwy 52 to the Fancy Gap entrance and continued south along the Blue Ridge Parkway 

 Mt Airy Granite overlook

At the Mt Airy rest stop I spotting this interesting view featuring a fall harvest of pumpkins. 

Blue Ridge Music Center live concert 

We did a stop at the Blue Ridge Music centre and enjoyed the history of the music of the region as well as a live concert! I also got some information about “the crooked road” a "music tour" that can be included in another trip.

High Piney Spur Overlook 

Continuing on our way south along winding roads and never ending gorgeous scenery.  

historic Brinegar Cabin 

Another opportunity to walk around was at the site of the Brinegar Homestead.  The wind was chill this high up in the hills and this is October.  Try to visualize living here in the cold of winter!

hiking up the hill

We found a beautiful hillside stop for our picnic lunch at the Tom Dula memorial which commemorates the song "Hang down your head Tom Dula"

stunning view

After lunch we took a hike to the top of a hill for a panoramic view of the hills in the distance. 

winding roads through rocky cliffs 
Just driving along the parkway is enjoyable and there are so many overlooks!   So many that there is no way you can stop at them all and still make any kind of time!   That of course does not even touch on all the hiking there is along the way as well.

At Wilson Creek Overlook 

For example when we stopped at Wilson Creek overlook the Granite rocks cliffs were just over head seeming to touch the sky. 

Price Lake 

The Blue Ridge Parkway goes through Julian Price Memorial Park and we stopped at a roadside rest area to enjoy this gorgeous view to Price Lake. 

Lineville Falls 

The next big stop we made was as Lineville Falls where we took a fairly lengthy hike to see the water falls. They were so very pretty nestled in the forest and among the rocks.  down in the valley you can already see the lengthening shadows of late afternoon.  

Between the beautiful winding roads along the crest of the hills and the scenic overlooks it was a beautiful day.  

Blue ridges in the distance 
Our late afternoon drive was through some really high peaks and we were over 5000 feet up many times.  The views of distant mountains grey blue in the distance reminded me of paintings I have seen of the area!

One of many tunnels along the Blue Ridge Parkway 

This part of the parkway has numerous tunnels as the road snakes around the upper crests of these hills. 

View from Craggy Gardens Overlook 

Our last stop of the day was at Craggy Gardens, where we met several people set up to catch the eclipse.

Blue Ridge Parkway down toward Ashville

We were high up on a crest of the mountain and the time for the eclipse was still 45 minutes away.  We stated the descent toward Ashville and hoped for another viewing vantage point. On the shadow side of the cliffs it was already almost dark.  

Blue Ridge Parkway - descending toward Ashville 

And on the sunny side there were pools of light reflecting of the brilliant fall colours. 

As the time for the eclipse drew nearer the clouds gathered and obstructed the view. What a let down. 

We arrived in Asheville NC at 6pm and all the nearby Hampton properties were sold out. We were a bit upset with ourselves for not pre-booking in the morning.

last glimmer of light as we drive to our hotel 
We ended up having to drive almost 1 hour south of the mountains to a town called Travelers Rest in South Carolina to get availability.  

Last minute change of plans; we will head directly to our condo tomorrow instead of taking 1 more day in the hills. leaving something to look forward to on a future trip.  

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 - 10 - 23 

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