Friday, March 27, 2015

2014 - 10 - 22: Day 3 - Adventure Along the Blue Ridge Parkway - From Rockfish Gap to Ranoake

Both Mel and I were up early today, and after looking at the days plans we were packed and on the road.

Harrisonburg VA
We started with a scenic drive through historic town centre in Harrisonburg VA.  

heading toward the cloud shrouded mountains 

From there we made our way along state road 253 and 340 to Grottoes. Then we continued on 340 going south towards Waynesboro.  

Blue Ridge Parkway - Wayesboro entrance 

From there we followed 250 to the entrance of the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway.  

Blue Ridge Parkway - Afton Overlook 

Finally the sun made an appearance, coming out from between the clouds and promising to turn into a nice sunny fall day.  Our first stop was at Afton Overlook for a splendid view. 

Farm Museum - hillside root cellar 

We made a walking stop at Humpback Rocks Visitor Center. Here we enjoyed the information and interpretive display.
Then we did the pleasant walk to see the "Farm Museum" showing pioneer homesteading lifestyle.   

Winding Roads of the Blue Ridge Parkway 

As we drove the winding roads south we enjoyed scenic overlooks and had fun watching the elevations signs as much as we enjoyed the fabulous views.   

At 45 MPH speed limits (that are dictated mostly by the winding and curving nature of the roads), you have time to enjoy and see so much.  

20 minute Cliff Overlook - display of sun and shadow 

The sun's rays created interesting lighting effects up in the high branches of the trees.  And the blowing wind created movement and motion in the branches up above. 

Pastoral Scene along the Blue Ridge Parkway 

There were lovely pastoral scenes during this stretch of the drive, reminding us that farming in the hills still remains in some places. 

Leaves blown from the trees swirled and spiraled madly toward the ground, while on the ground, blowing leaves danced along the roadway. So much to delight in!

Bluff Mountain Tunnel 

Around noon we passed through Bluff Mountain tunnel and then spotted an overlook with a picnic table.  

Picnic table - Rice Mountain view 

We stopped for our lunch here and appreciated how much cooler it is up in the hills.  Here the nip of autumn is truly in the air. Even with the sun shining brightly we felt the chill. 

View to Otter Lake 

Then, after driving more winding roads down into the valley we made a hiking stop at Otter Lake.  

Dam and Waterfall on Otter Creek 

Here we enjoyed a lovely sunny walk to the end of the lake to see the dam and the man-made waterfall.  It was so much warmer here in the valley.   

James River Interpretive Center - Bridge over James River 

Just a short distance further on was the James River Interpretive Centre.   Here we stopped for a pleasant hike over the James River via a pedestrian bridge.  

  Battery Creek Canal and Lock 

On the far side of the river we were able to explore the remains of the Battery Creek canal and lock that used to be so vital to transportation when the waterways were the main trade route.

Blue Ridge Parkway - Arnold Valley Overlook 

More driving brought us to Arnold Valley Overlook.

Then we left the Blue Ridge Parkway, taking the exit towards Ranoake. A steep road brought is into the valley and we made our way to Sam's Club to get gas and plan for the evenings accommodations.  

We picked the Hampton Inn in Hillsville another 1.5 hour drive south along 221.   

Reminder of a bygone era along hwy 221 
Dusk arrives much earlier in the valleys especially as more clouds gathered in the western sky.  Before we arrived it became too dim to take any more photos.  Only a few of the shots I took in the dim lighting turned out.  That is a shame because the picturesque old buildings trace some of the history of the area.

After checking into our room we made a picnic style dinner of salad and cheeses.  I worked on my notes and downloaded my pictures before settling in for the night. 

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 - 10 - 22 

Link to more Photos 
My facebook Reflections Page 

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