Saturday, June 27, 2015

2015 - 06 - 20 and 21 : Day 6 and 7 of Scenic Destinations - the wagon train adventure begins

Day 6
From Fergus Falls MN to Jamestown ND
Distance Traveled:  152 miles 

Fergus Falls with overcast skies 
Today is the last travel day to the wagon train adventure.  I awoke to rain and mist and it was a challenge getting ready for the day.  First task, taking down the soaking wet bug net and putting it away was finally accomplished and I headed to McDonald's for wifi and breakfast. 

From there it was time to get on I-94 west to Fargo. 

Here I stopped at Sam’s club and this one actually had a gas pump!!!  I also stopped for a slice of pizza lunch.  Then time to drive the final stretch to Jamestown North Dakota.

I settled into the Jamestown Motel around 3 pm and spent the afternoon relaxing and getting ready for the coming week on the Wagon Train.  I made sure to really enjoy the last night of comfort in a real bed.

I also paused to reflect on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year with the shortest hours of darkness.  Tomorrow is the  first day of summer!

road map from Fergus Falls to Jamestown 

Day 7 
Jamestown ND - Klaus Park to Fort Seward
Distance traveled: 3 miles 

View to James River in Jamestown ND 
I awoke refreshed and ready for adventure.  After a simple breakfast I was on the road to Klaus Park where I enjoyed the peace of the James river flowing by, while reading and appreciating the beautiful day.

Today begins a week of no technology as I endeavor to appreciate what pioneer travel by wagon train felt like.  Do I experience wifi and internet withdrawal?   Yes I do.  Will there be too much thinking time?  Can I fill the silence with meditation and mindfulness?  Will other forms of entertainment or pass times fill the gap?

Final Registration for the Wagon Train Adventure 
After my picnic lunch I headed to Fort Seward and the final registration for the Wagon Train adventure.   

The afternoon progressed smoothly with unpacking and setting up camp site for the evening,
The wagons start arriving 
meeting and getting to know other hardy adventurous people, and watching the wagons and horse teams arriving. 

We had our first sample of wagon train dinning with dinner served at 7 pm.  I enjoyed the roast beef on a bun, the salad, and beans and rice crispy squares for dessert.  This is not real pioneer grub!   I think they would consider this a  feast!

At 8 pm the orientation meeting started and unfortunately the skies turned dark and the thunderheads promised a storm was brewing.  We learned the proper form for getting in and out of a moving wagon.   The wagons do not stop for this and so it is necessary to learn the art of doing so while the horses continue pulling forward.  We were introduced to the all-important safety rules, the medic / first aid staff, and general guidelines for the coming week. 

We learned that we have to check the chuck wagon for KP duties.  My job tomorrow is unloading the baggage wagon in the evening.

My home for the next several days 
Now as the sky progressively got darker with rain clouds, as well as night fall, it was time to settle in for the night.  And then the storm arrived.   The rain was pouring and pounding on my tent roof.  The wind was pushing at the nylon canvas and I fear being blow to Kansas!   The thunder and lightning, oh my!   I tried to get some sleep, wondering if I would remain dry in this deluge.  Between the noise and the worry I did not sleep well until finally at 4 pm the worst of the storm passed and in the ensuing quiet I finally got a few hours of rest. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 

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