Sunday, June 21, 2015

2015 - 06 - 18: Day 4 of Scenic Destinations

Day 4 
From Bewabic State Park Michigan
To Brule Wisconsin
Distance Traveled:  184 miles

I woke to a world that was soaking wet.  Water was dripping from the leaves and making a splattering noise.  Fog shrouded the distance in mystery.

Only the chirping of the birds broke the silence as I took down a dripping tent and packed it away for travel.

After a quick breakfast of oatmeal and testing out my new “camping drip coffee maker”, I completed the packing routine and headed back to the road.

Bewabic State Park 
The sparkling water of the lake in the camp ground lured me in for a picture. 

My first destination was Chicagon Falls.  I followed the road to Little Lake and caught a glimpse of a deer leaping back into the cover of the trees.  When I got to the cut off to the falls I realized it was time to turn around.  Here the road was totally unserviced with deep holes and big rocks.  I think a jeep would be required to drive there safely.   On a different trip, one with no time constraints, I would park and hike.  It is about 2 miles to the falls.

Along the Apple Blossom trail 
At this early hour of the day I am the only one on the road until I arrive close to Iron River.  From here a short detour takes me to Caspian where I explore a bit of history along the Apple Blossom Trail.

To see Bond Falls I have to take a short detour north on Hwy 45 toward Bruce Crossing.  From Watersmeet it is only about 12 miles and soon I arrive and Bond Falls Road.  Following the signs to the Falls I arrive at the National Forest Parking area and hike to the falls.  

Bond Falls 
What a lovely sight they are!  With the soft colouring enhanced by the backdrop of rain clouds they took on a mystical beauty.  I walked from the base of the falls along the trail, all the way up stream to the small cascades and turbulent waters of the river. Everywhere there was so much beauty to behold.

From there I continued north on 45 to Bruce Crossing and then headed west on Hwy 28 through Bergland and Lake Gogebic to rejoin Hwy 2 in Wakefield.

Ironwood Theatre
In Wakefield Hwy 45 runs right alongside Sunday Lake.  For those with time to spend here there is a camping area right on the lake with a visitors welcome sign.  Hwy 28 ends here at Hwy 2, I turn right and continue west.

I stop in Ironwood to explore the Historic Ironwood Theatre.  The Box Office is open and I walk inside asking if it is possible to see the interior.  One of the kindly ladies took me on a tour and explained the history of the theatre and the restorations that are now taking it back to its original splendor.

Picnic on the shore of Lake Superior in Ashland 

I stayed on Hwy 2 through Bad River Reservation to Ashland where I found a lovely beach front park to sit and enjoy the view to this bay on Lake Superior.  The sun finally decided to come out for a visit and I basked in the glorious warm rays.  What a delightful place for my picnic dinner.

From here I stopped one more time at Prentice Park and another view of the bay before the last stretch of my day’s drive to the town of Brule.  Here I registered for a camp site at the Brule River Motel & Campground. 

I set up my “wet” tent and celebrated that it would quickly dry out with this lovely breeze and the sun shining.   I enjoyed the evening sitting in the warmth of the setting sun doing some knitting and just relaxing.  A perfect ending to a perfect day. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 06 - 18 

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