Monday, October 27, 2014

2014 – 08 – 29: Day 38 – Road Trip Across the USA - route 6 east - through the last of the mountains and onto the plains.

From Idaho Springs Colorado
To Fort Morgan Colorado
Distance traveled   118 miles

I spent the early part of the morning catching up on picture editing and journal notes and chatted with Mel on Skype before he went to play golf with his friend.

Indian Hot Springs
time for a dip in the hot spring water
Then I packed up all my gear into the car and went to use the hot spring fed pool one more time.  Ahhh…so deliciously warm!  The sun was shining in through the opening in the roof, there was a cool breeze coming in, the water was warm.  I even spent some time right under the spout where the hot water comes out from the spring.

There is still another reason to come back here in the future - to see and baths in the caves. They are not include in the basic cost of an overnight stay fee so this time I passed on them.  I hear that they are especially hot!   You can come here and use the water facilities without staying the night.   This is something to consider depending on other plans as a stop along the way through to the next activity. 

After lunch I drove through the town of Idaho Springs and stopped at Safeway for a few groceries,  I am looking forward to eating bananas!

The next part of my drive started out on the interstate until I found the next access point for Route 6.  I followed the old route along a most scenic road all the way to Golden.

Rafters having  white water fun on the creek
I stopped at the side of the road to watch some river rafters. 

route 6 along the Mayhem Creek toward Golden 

This downhill section of the road twists and winds through canyons following the course of the river, passing through several tunnels.  It is a very pleasant driving experience.  

The traffic going up into the hills was crazy busy – it is the long weekend and people are coming to the mountains for fun times this last long weekend of the summer.

Clear Creek in Golden 
In Golden I found a parking spot by a local park and walked along the river during an interlude of sunshine. 

exhibit in the historic park with
Castle Rock Mountain in the background 

Then while the sunshine lasted, I explored  the historic park.  It was a well thought out way to present and preserve a bit of the history of the area. 

And then, just as I got to the end of the historic park trail, it started to rain again!  I made my way back to the car before I got too wet and then continued the drive east to Denver. 

inky black clouds in Golden 
During the drive the rain came down harder and harder. 

The sky was filled with inky black clouds.  It was only 3 PM in the afternoon but the dark clouds makes it feel so much later. 

pouring rain as I enter Denver 

The drops were so big they made a plunking noise as they landed, so loud that I thought at first that is was a hail storm.     

Highway 6 goes into Denver and then seems to just stop abruptly.   Denver is a pretty town to drive through and I enjoyed the residential areas around the Botanical Gardens and the Zoo.  

Then I connected with highway 2 which I had seen on the map reconnects with 6 near Commerce City.  Then highway 6 merges with I-76 to continue east. 

Rain on the plain
Suddenly the mountains are gone and I am driving on the flat lands of the plains. 

Still in the driving rain I pass Lochbuie, Hudson, Keenesburg and Wiggins before entering into Fort Morgan. 

The ever present dark clouds present the dilemma do I drive on in the rain looking for a camp site or do I stay in yet another motel?

More storm clouds
this time as seen from the door of my motel room 
I spotted a lovely quaint motel in a quiet part of town and decided to stay the night.  Especially since, there were more storm clouds looming on the horizon.

My room is inviting and comfortable.  I am feeling rather tired, the non-stop days of driving and sight-seeing are taking a toll on me.   I keep forgetting that even adventurers occasionally need a day of rest.  

Tonight I was even too tired to crack open my computer for picture editing or writing up my travel notes.  That tells you how tired I am…when I did not even have the energy left to concentrate on picture editing.

Instead I focused on taking a relaxing evening, a hot bath, reading some of my book, a bit of Sudoku and some knitting while watching TV.  Outside the rain continued to come pouring down and I fell asleep to the sound of rain on the roof. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 – 08 – 29

link to more photos

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