Wednesday, October 8, 2014

2014 – 08 – 26: Day 35 – Road Trip Across the USA - Route 6 east - Crossing into Colorado

From Lake Utah State Park, Provo Utah
To Colorado River State Park, Fruita Colorado 
Distance traveled   232 miles

Sunrise over the mountains 
I was up very early, before the sun had even cleared the mountains to the east.  I looked at my watch, it was 5:30. 

I did start my regular morning camp routine with the unusual – a basin bath wash-up.  There are no showers at this camp ground!  I can't believe it!  So after the previous night at a primitive camp site with no shower I needed to freshen up.  I put on fresh clothes and then washed the ones I had been wearing.  Maybe I should have done this last night – with all the wind they would have been dry by morning.  Oh well, I packed them wet and will hang them to dry in the evening.  

Then my usual routine of breakfast and breaking camp and I was all done by 7:30.    

Lake Utah 
For my first stop I went over to the beach on Lake Utah and went for a hike along the waterfront. 

what a collection
Then I left the park and stopped the storage place with an incredible collection of old signage and memorabilia.   

From there I drove to Spanish Fork to return to hwy 6 once again. 

There was a McDonald’s right at the corner so I stopped for a coffee and wifi and did some messages and replies.  I cleaned the windows as best I could (need to get some windshield washer fluid today) and then it was on the road once again. 

mountain pass east of Spanish Fork 
The next stretch was very scenic with curving mountain roads. I was surprised at how many trucks use this route.  They are crazy on the downhill slopes, coasting as fast as the slope takes them, overtaking all the other vehicles that slow down for the corners.  The speeds for the corners were signed at 45 or even 35 MPH.   But there were trucks passing me at well over 60.  I was amazed!

scenic overlook near Helper 
I stopped whenever a scenic overlook presented…but there were not very many so many of my pictures are from behind the steering wheel.   

Prehistoric Museum in Price 
In Price I got off the hwy to drive through the town and stumbled across the university run Prehistoric Museum.  I spent almost 2 hours there enjoying the amazing displays.  I have to add to my bucket list – time in Utah exploring the dinosaur digs!  They allow regular people to participate as volunteers…that should be fun.

As I was leaving Price I saw a Walmart and stopped for the windshield wiper fluid and bought 2 gallons…Mel told me the empty container takes that much.  This time I was successful at finding the latch and soon had poured 1 ¾ gallons into the repository, just a little bit left for topping up later.

Dark storm clouds over the distant mountain range 
Back on the road it was easy following route 6 to Green River.  I stopped once at a rest station to eat some lunch and watched a big dark storm front moving in from the south west.

At green River route 6 merged with I- 70 and it stayed that way until I crossed the Colorado border.  The storm front was always on my right hand side never getting any closer but also not dissipating.  After another rest stop (near where the exit to the Arches National Park is located), I motored along on I–70 some more.  

 Back on route 6 at Mack Colorado 
Finally I saw the sign for Mack and taking the exit I quickly found route 6 once again…and also the sign going west that said the road ends…verifying my supposition that the original route 6 in this area is not always a through road.

Along route 6 I passed through Loma and into Fruita where Colorado River State park is located.  I started to think that I might have crossed a time zone…I don’t think Colorado is on Pacific time!   After entering the park and paying my camping fee I set up camp and asked a fellow camper what time it was.  I was right, I am in a new time zone and so I had to reset my clock to 6:30.   

more storm clouds in Colorado River State Park 
As the sky got progressively darker I worked quickly to set up camp.  I barely got set up, warmed up my can of soup for dinner and ate before the rain caught up with me.  Putting the last few items into the car to protect them from the wet I too climbed into my car living chamber and settled in with my Sudoku then my notes.

The rain has now passed and the light is fading. There is still a dense cloud cover and I wonder if it will rain some more tonight?  

Time to do some picture editing work and then get some shut eye.  I am feeling the effects of long days on the road and am wondering if I should settle in for an extra day here, or make a very short drive tomorrow instead of the distance I had originally planned.  I will see how I feel in the morning.

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 - 08 - 26 

Photo Link: 

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