Tuesday, October 7, 2014

2014 – 08 – 25: Day 34 – Road Trip Across The USA - Route 6 east - from Nevada to Utah

From Charcoal Ovens State park Nevada
To Lake Utah Lake State Park Utah
Distance:  241 miles along route 6

It rained during the night, so hard that water was coming inside.   That meant that  I had to start the car and close windows.  I am assuming that this is a “monsoon” rain just like what I experienced  when at the north rim of the Grand Canyon.  It also got very cold and by morning I needed my second sleeping back to keep warm.

Sunrise at Charcoal Ovens State Park 
I woke up early started the day watching the sunrise over the desert.  At 5am the sky was mostly grey with a large band of pink to the east.  It was early enough to see the moon rise, however, there were clouds…making for a glorious sunrise, but obscuring crescent moon. 

I packed up my lonely camp site, yes I was still the only camper as no one arrived late in the evening or after dark.

Charcoal Ovens 
A very short drive brought me to the site of the Historic Charcoal Ovens that were of such importance to the mining in the area.


Willow Creek 
There was a short hiking trail nearby which I followed through the desert scrub to see a small river.  There was not much to see because so many plants and grasses were flourishing in the moisture.   The whole area was lush with flowers and shrubs and even small trees.

I had thought to have breakfast at the “Willow Creek Trading Post and Store“, which I had spotted last night on my drive in to the campgrounds.  However,  it was only 7 am and they did not open to 8.

I encounter cattle on the road 
While driving back to the highway along the gravel road I encountered some free ranging cattle along the road.  It was fun watching them run away from me and my car as I got closer.  There was this one big black fellow, that was right in the centre of the road and he was galloping quite fast heading off to the north into the open plain.  

Continuing along Route 6 I drove past the entrance to Great Basin National park.  This did not qualify for a “stop” because it is over 12 miles off the main road so did not meet my criterion for “on route 6”.   However, it will certainly go on my list for a “destinations and activities” adventure which I can already see unfolding in my mind and happening in the future. 

At the Utah border there was a gas station and restaurant where I stopped for breakfast.  I really enjoyed my poached eggs with hash browns and coffee.  

I also enjoyed a conversation with the two couples at the next table.  They are traveling and exploring together. After talking with them I pondered how a road trip would be experienced differently with a group rather than a solo traveler.  There are times when the quiet is an opportunity for ne to take in a magnificent site without the distraction of conversation.   There are other times I feel the need to share my emotions and vocalize how moved I am by what I am seeing and experiencing.   I think I am starting to feel the aloneness of this trip.  When I travel in Europe many nights are a private B&B’s where you chat and share time with the owner.  Camping and motels do not give that same opportunity for socializing.  I also wonder if it is the incredible long stretches of driving through almost barren lands that has me feeling this melancholy nostalgia for company.

When I started the car again a light came on the instrument panel.  Oh my, what is wrong with the car?  It had me worried, it looked like an engine and I was concerned that I would need to get repairs or cut my trip short to head straight home.  

I drove to the town of Delta, with anxious thoughts in my mind about what repairs I might be needing.   The sounds of the engine were normal.  There were no unusual noises.  

The warning light that has me concerned 

In the town of Delta I stopped at the McD’s.  I took a picture of the engine light and used the wifi to contact Mel and sent him an email with a picture of the light so he knew what I was talking about.  Then I called him on Skype.  

What a relief it was when he said it was not a major problem.  It was the breather light signaling that the oxygen intake was not as balanced as it could be.  Probably because of all the altitude driving I have been doing, he said it could also be some bad fuel in the line.  So next time I get to a Walmart I have to buy a fuel additive.  

With a sigh of relief I was able to continue on my way.  I got some top up gas so I don’t run out on some of the barren stretches still ahead of me. I have been keeping to an even 60 mph and the Volvo just loves that speed, I am getting great gas mileage.  After putting in the top up gas, the distance showed 840 to empty and the gauge was not even all the way to full.

I continued my drive east on Hwy 6 toward Spanish Fork where I hope to stay at Utah Lake State Park, I am hopeful that this one will have electric sites and that being close to Salt Lake City, I won't be the only camper.

This stretch of the drive through Utah was very pleasant, but still very empty of human habitation.  Vast acres of desert valley interspersed with mountain ranges to be crossed. 

Sand storm in the distance

Yellow flower blowing in the desert winds 
I saw another sand storm off in the distance.  

I had a lovely rest break in a rest area, the wind quite blustery and because of this even though the day is hot I continue to feel quite comfortable.

Log Cabin display in Eureka 
In the town of Eureka I spotted this historical log cabin.  I stopped to investigate and found it to be this little free museum, a tribute to the early settlers of Utah. 

The further east I got the less desert like the landscape, the fields are greener and the towns, thought still small are closer together. 

Payson Utah 
The closer I got to Salt Lake City the more built up the area got.  Soon I was getting the “suburban” feeling that comes when you get to the outskirts of a big metropolitan area.   In Provo there was even a Sam’s Club for gas.  I went inside for some fruit and got a hot dog combo for my dinner, a change for camping fare.

The final drive for the day was a short one, to the Lake Utah State Park where I picked a camp ground with a bit of shade and settled in for a relaxing evening.  Now the clouds started pulling in too and left me wondering what will become of my sunset.

I had an electrical site this time so I could recharge all my gadgets;  J   I had a lovely camp site with a small tree for partial shade.  The picnic table was also sheltered and the breeze was blowing so it was quite comfortable even with the temperature at 28C

Sunset on Lake Utah 
I was facing west across Lake Utah and I was hoping for a unique sunset behind the mountain range.  However, the clouds that have been following me every day since I have been heading east once again obstructed a clear view.   So I enjoyed what I had and made the best of it.

As soon as the sun went down it got cool and it was nice to climb into my car bed and shelter from the now quite strong wind.  I even had to close the hatch because it was too cool.  I got my sleeping bags arranged and ready and settled in for some picture downloading and some catching up editing. 

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 - 08 - 25 

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