Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2015 – 07 – 21: Scenic Destinations Day 37 - anoather day along the Missouri River

From  Indian Cave State Park Nebraska 
To Cameron Missouri
Total Distance Traveled: 100 miles

I awoke to the sight of bunnies scampering across the roadway near my camp site.  I guess that is a testament to how quiet this location was, I was the only guest in this section.  

Later as I was leaving the park I saw some deer as well but by the time I got my camera ready they had scattered into the forest.

Along the country roads south and west toward Rulo I saw some picturesque barns set amidst gentle hills and grazing lands. 

Rulo Nebraska

Rulo (on Hwy 159) itself was town of old time character, and the site of another Lewis and Clark historic marker. 

Hwy 159 is also the location of another bridge across the Missouri River and into the state Missouri. 

Driving into Saint Joseph Missouri on I-129 was one of the few times where the road was right beside the river and this amazing view. 

Exiting at Hwy 36 I followed the road signs to the historic Pony Express museum where I spent several hours studying the history of this  short but fascinating era. 

Just around the corner was the home of Jesse James,  now a museum but they were unfortunately already closed for the day. 

Then I drove through the old part of Saint Joseph  

to my final Missouri River overlook for this trip, located at the top of a steep hillside in Huston Wyeth Park. This most beautiful view is marred by being located in a dirty trash filled park.  As a supposed tourist attraction related to the Lewis and Clark expedition it is sadly neglected and seems to be a hangout out for the down and out.

Very seldom do I feel "unsafe" in my travels but this was one of them.  As I stepped out of the car, I was on a mission to get some photographic memories of the view and be on my way.

Leaving the Missouri River behind me I now headed east into the state of Missouri along Hwy 36 and the farms of the plains. With the sun setting gradually behind me I arrived in Cameron where I spent some time catching up on my correspondence before settling in for the night.   

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 21 

Link to see all of the day's pictures 

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route maps for the day
Overview map

St. Joseph 

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