Monday, September 12, 2016

2015 – 07 – 22 & 23: Scenic Destinations Day 38 & 39 - Exploring Missouri

From Cameron Missouri
To Arrow Rock State Historic Park, Arrow Rock Missouri
Total Distance Traveled: 131 miles

Today I was up early and on the road east along hwy 36.  I love the soft light of the morning sun and the dew on the fields.  In some places there were glimpses of mist in the low areas.

When I spotted the sign for  Locust Creek Covered Bridge Historic Site I was drawn to do a brief side trip.  Sometimes those unexpected signs lead you to some delightful treasures and adventures.  I loved the sign warning about flooded roads and so I was not surprised to find much of the hiking trail to the covered bridge covered by water. 

With the slanting rays of the early morning sun gleaming of the leaves of the trees it was like a walk in an enchanted forest. 

I love exploring covered bridges and the glimpse they give into live in a different era.  

The condition of the old roads clearly indicated that travel was not reliable in this area during times of high water levels.

Leaving this historic site the roads were so empty of vehicular traffic that I passed several rabbits scampering across the gravel to disappear into the grasses by the roadside 

Then I spotted this delightful vine covered old barn and just had to stop at the side of the road to appreciate its beauty. 

Just a short distance down the road I stopped in at Pershing State Park for a quick look around.  Bullfrog songs greeted me as I walked about taking pictures of the pond.

The town of Laclede had historic markers posted on the highway so I did a stop at the childhood home of General John J. Pershing. 

Sadly this well preserved cared for old building does not
extend to the rest of the town, which seems lonely and neglected in comparison. 

By now it was time for my late breakfast and wifi stop in Brookfield. After catching up on my correspondence I was back on the road again.  

Turning south on Hwy 11 toward Mendon I passed through lovely scenes of rural life in Missouri.  Farm fields that stretch off into the distance, the odd windmill reminding me of simpler power sources than those we are familiar with now.

And always there are plenty of reminders that the rural life of the past is changing and fading away.

Continuing south on Hwy 11 through Brunswick, I took Hwy 24 south east through Dewitt and then on Hwy 41 toward Miami. 

A short detour with hopes to buy some pecans at a Pecan Farm was met with disappointment as no one was there.  

But I did see this beautiful old barn at the side of the road so the side trip was fruitful after all. 

Passing through some rolling hills on Hwy 41  I approached
Miami where I once again crossed the Missouri River, and stopped at another Lewis and Clark historical marker. 

Continuing south on Hwy 41 I soon arrived at side road 404 to Van Meter State Park and another historic site.  Storm clouds seem to darken the sky and I wonder if they will pass or if I will be seeing a summer rain storm. 

At this park I discovered a lovely hiking trail with a view
to the Missouri River and a history lesson about the Missouri Indians who lived in this fertile valley.   

After finishing my hike I enjoyed a very brief picnic lunch. The mosquitoes were out in droves and their biting ways encouraged me to get back into the relative bug free safety of my car.

Before leaving the park, I stopped for a tour of the museum and enjoyed the displays of historic artifacts of the Missouri tribe that lived in this region.  

For some strange reason I had thought I was leaving the Missouri River behind when I started driving east from St. Joseph.  It was when I looked at a map that I realized that the river changes direction near Kansas City flowing easterly in a serpentine journey toward the Mississippi.

Leaving Van Meter State Park I returned to Hwy 41 south toward Marshal.  There I turned east onto Hwy 41 toward Arrow Rock. 

In Arrow Rock I stopped to see the display in the Arrow Rock State Historic Site Visitor Centre.   Here there were history displays about the Santa Fe Trail, the history of Boone's Lick, the war with Mexico (1846-47), the Louisiana Purchase, and early river travel in "flatboats".  It was a most educational way to spend the afternoon.
From there I went to check out the camp grounds.  They offered lovely tree shaded sites on grassy lawn areas with wifi services.  I decided to set up for a 2 night stay to relax and rest.  

Renate Dundys Marrello 

2015 - 07 - 22

Today was a rest day.  I remained at my quiet campsite and enjoyed some reading, I did some writing and just took some time to unwind and relax. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 23

Link to see all of the day's pictures

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route map for the day
Cameron to Arrow Rock 

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