Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2015 – 07 – 03: Day 19 Scenic Destinations - Following the Yellowstone River

From Miles City Montana
To Lovell Wyoming
Distance Traveled: 270 miles 

I spent the early part of the morning working on notes and pictures at McDonald's before heading to Walmart for wiper fluid and a new car power converted since my old one literally fell apart in my hands. 

Historic Miles City 

After driving through the old part of Miles City admiring the old architecture, I stopped at the 

Range Riders Museum to enjoy a journey into the past, looking at memorabilia 
from a bygone era.

Yellowstone River seen from Water Plant Park Miles City 

Then I did a slight detour at the edge of the town to Water Plant Park to see the Yellowstone River. Standing by the banks of the river I felt dwarfed by its majestic breadth. 

Then I continued on I-94 south west along the Yellowstone River Valley observing the gradual transition from plains to mountain terrain.  The wide open vistas now are stating to feel normal and the sky seems reach down to touch the land in the far distance. 

Rest stop picnic shelter with view of the Yellowstone River 
There was this lovely rest area stop along the interstate with a lovely overview from the cliff top, to the Yellowstone River and valley.  From a shaded picnic shelter, what a is majestic and panoramic view to accompany my lunch!  

My next stop was in the town Forsyth, where I found the East Roseboro fishing access site with another lovely view to the Yellowstone River.

On the road south I took the exit for Little Bighorn Battlefield Historic site.

Once on the road I finally spotted a sign that indicate it was 40 miles away and so not really on this trip's itinerary.
However this little detour allowed me to see some really lovely farmlands and delightful relics of another time. 

Driving south on I-94 there are the occasional glimpses of the Yellowstone River in the distance.

Pompeys Pillar 

Continuing south I spotted the sign for Pompeys Pillar National Monument. 

View to the Yellowstone River from Pompey's Pillar 
This is located along the Yellowstone river and offers a vantage point view to the river that is virtually unchanged since Clark stood here during the Lewis and Clark expedition.  

Clark's signature in the sandstone 

A short hike brought me to the place where Clark's signature is engraved in the sandstone and preserved now behind glass 

At the base of this landmark there is now a lovely park setting with closer views to this mighty river.  

Yellowstone river just south of Laurel MO 
I only stopped in Billings Montana long enough to get gas at Sam’s and then drove on to Laurel where I took highway 212 south. Leaving the town, I crossed the Yellowstone River and soon was going through a construction zone that lasted almost to the junction of highway 310

Along hwy 310 south toward Lovell WY there were numerous picturesque small towns and then the state border crossing into Wyoming.  There were now hills and low mountains all around and I stated climbing, watching the elevations slowly creep up to over 3000 feet

Lovell itself is a quaint small town, however there were very few options for accommodations.  I got the last room at the Horseshoe Bend Motel  and for my money I got a quaint and characterful place to stay.  It sure was wonderful to have a shower after several nights of primitive camping.

Renate Dundys Marrello 

Link to see more photos

Today's Route (blue) from Miles City MO to Horseshoe Bend Motel in Lovell WY

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