Wednesday, September 14, 2016

2015 – 07 – 24: Scenic Destinations Day 40 - Exploring Missouri

From Arrow Rock State Historic Park, Arrow Rock Missouri 
To Mari Osa Delta Campground, Jefferson City, Missouri 
Total Distance Traveled: 95 miles

I started my morning with a relaxing enjoyment of the campsite before packing and setting out for the day. 

My first stop was a visit the historic town of Arrow Rock. I especially enjoyed the beautiful old building and the rock lined rain gutter. 

I also took a walk to the historic Lewis and Clark Marker but the view was obstructed by large bushy underbrush. 

Leaving the town I followed Hwy 41 south toward I-70.  I pulled into the DeBourgmount Access point  to get a view of the Lamine River, one of the many tributary rivers to the Missouri.  Here there was another Lewis and Clark history marker and a scenic overlook to the Lamine River and the Hwy 41  bridge.

From here I had to travel along the I-70 interstate to get to the town of Booneville; where I stopped in Harley Park  for a scenic overlook to the Missouri River and a lunch break.  

My next stop was in historic Boonville, the train station, old factories, and Katy Trail information. 

After driving through the old main street through the town of Boonville,

I went to see Warm Springs Ranch; which is a breeding farm for Budweiser Clydesdale horses.  

I was so looking forward to this tour, only to learn that it by reservation only!  

I was rather disappointed, as were the other two cars of tourists that showed up at the same time. 

Retracing my way back to the main highway I stopped at the Peach Tree Farm because I saw an outdoor exhibit of old wagons. The one that really caught my eye as unique and different was the police wagon. 

I-70 bridge over the Missouri River 

Continuing east, I crossed the Missouri River once more on I-70 and into the town of Columbia MO for a fuel break. 

Leaving Columbia, I headed south on Hwy 163 to Rock Bridge State Park.  As I left the car I noted that the temperature today had already climbed to +36C / 97F.  It seemed like a perfect day to visit the promised coolness of the Devil's Icebox. 

A pleasant tree canopied trail led past the Rock Bridge and meandered beside the small brook where many visitors where splashing in the cool stream waters. 

Climbing down several steep staircases I arrived at the cave and the promised cool breezes coming from it. Several other park guests were enjoying the icy refreshing water in the shade of the cave. 

Getting back to the car I was surprised to see that the temperatures has continued to climb during my 2 hour hike and now had reached 43 C / 109 F.  It sure was a scorcher today. 

Jefferson City - Capital Building
My next destination, continuing south on Hwy 63 and crossing the Missouri River yet again, was downtown Jefferson City (state capital).  

Here I stopped for a walkabout to see the capital building and nearby attractions (Carnahan Memorial Gardens, the circa 1930s Governor's Mansion), and of course another view of the Missouri River. 

From here I drove east through the city to stop at another river overlook in Riverside Park with more Lewis and Clark historic markers. 

With groceries running low I stopped for some shopping before heading east along Hwy 50 over the Osage River to Mari Osa Delta Campground.  

I settled in for the evening in a delightful camp site with a view to the Osage River. I sure was glad to have my electric fan with me this evening.  

It was interesting to watch the changing skyscapes of the evening with storm clouds brewing to the west while clear skies and the moon visible in the east.

Not surprisingly there was a severe thunderstorm during the night.  

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 24

Link to see all of the day's pictures

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route maps for the day
overview map for today's journey

Boonville to Warm Springs Ranch and Peach Tree Farm

Route to Jefferson  City 
Route to Mari Osa Delta Campgrounds 

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