Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2015 – 07 – 21: Scenic Destinations Day 37 - anoather day along the Missouri River

From  Indian Cave State Park Nebraska 
To Cameron Missouri
Total Distance Traveled: 100 miles

I awoke to the sight of bunnies scampering across the roadway near my camp site.  I guess that is a testament to how quiet this location was, I was the only guest in this section.  

Later as I was leaving the park I saw some deer as well but by the time I got my camera ready they had scattered into the forest.

Along the country roads south and west toward Rulo I saw some picturesque barns set amidst gentle hills and grazing lands. 

Rulo Nebraska

Rulo (on Hwy 159) itself was town of old time character, and the site of another Lewis and Clark historic marker. 

Hwy 159 is also the location of another bridge across the Missouri River and into the state Missouri. 

Driving into Saint Joseph Missouri on I-129 was one of the few times where the road was right beside the river and this amazing view. 

Exiting at Hwy 36 I followed the road signs to the historic Pony Express museum where I spent several hours studying the history of this  short but fascinating era. 

Just around the corner was the home of Jesse James,  now a museum but they were unfortunately already closed for the day. 

Then I drove through the old part of Saint Joseph  

to my final Missouri River overlook for this trip, located at the top of a steep hillside in Huston Wyeth Park. This most beautiful view is marred by being located in a dirty trash filled park.  As a supposed tourist attraction related to the Lewis and Clark expedition it is sadly neglected and seems to be a hangout out for the down and out.

Very seldom do I feel "unsafe" in my travels but this was one of them.  As I stepped out of the car, I was on a mission to get some photographic memories of the view and be on my way.

Leaving the Missouri River behind me I now headed east into the state of Missouri along Hwy 36 and the farms of the plains. With the sun setting gradually behind me I arrived in Cameron where I spent some time catching up on my correspondence before settling in for the night.   

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 21 

Link to see all of the day's pictures 

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route maps for the day
Overview map

St. Joseph 

Friday, August 26, 2016

2015 – 07 – 20: Scenic Destinations Day 36 - Explorations along the Missouri River

From Carter Lake Iowa 
To Indian Cave State Park Nebraska 
Total Distance Traveled: 91 miles

Council Bluffs McDonald's on hwy 6 and a trip down memory lane
Today I was awake and up at the crack of dawn and still yawning I made my way to revisit the Mc Donald's in Council Bluffs (same one I visited last year), to get caught up on messages and correspondence. 

Plattsmouth - hwy 34 toll bridge over the Missouri River 

Then my day of exploration started with driving south along Hwy 75 for a scenic stop in Plattsmouth.  Here I followed the signs to the toll bridge over the Missouri and a lovely scenic view.  

Convergence of the Platte River and  the Missouri River 

I then followed more signs, down a gravel road to the isolated and remote Lewis and Clark camp site where the Platte River and the Missouri river converge.

There were fields and fields of sunflower plants along this deserted road.

My next stop was in the town of Plattsmouth at the historic log cabin.

Plattsmouth NE

And then to walk the picturesque streets of the town itself.

Then I continued south along Hwy 75 southbound to Nebraska city where I stopped to explore Arbor State Park Historic Site.  

After touring the historic buildings and admiring the landscaping I enjoyed a lunch (cheese sandwich and tomatoes) and reading break. 

Nebraska City 

After driving through the main streets of Nebraska City,

I drove across the Missouri on Hwy  2 first east bound into Iowa and then returning westbound to enjoy the bridge view of the river. 

Returning to the Nebraska side of the river I stopped at the Lewis and Clark visitor center, where I learned that the cottonwood is the tree of Nebraska 

and where there was a panoramic view to the Missouri River from the observation deck.

There was also a short walk to a Native American historic display about the Otoe and Missouria peoples and an example of an earth lodge. There reminded me so much of the historic excavations that I saw on the Orkney Islands. 

Continuing south on 
Hwy 75 I passed through Auburn NE.

Then, turning east onto Hwy 67 toward Nemaha, I saw some really picturesque derelict barns.  

Library in Nemaha NE

In Nemaha there was a lovely example of pioneer construction in the form of a well preserved library. 

A final turn onto 64 E took me past abandoned this homestead to Indian Cave State Park.

This park is set on the Missouri River and is the site of some scenic caves. 

However, sadly the road to the caves was closed due to construction and I was not able to visit them.

I did however get to enjoy exploring St. Deroin, or rather the remains of that old town. 

Next I stopped at a scenic overlook for a view to the Missouri River. 

I was all set up in my camp site by 4 pm and so I had time to do my laundry and have some fun in the water; I went to the water pump with my bathing suit on and the dish bucket and poured and poured buckets of cold water over myself.  Child like fun!  I could not get enough of the pleasure of the cool water on my overheated skin.

With all my chores done, I enjoyed a "chill and relax" evening. My dinner was a simple can of stew while enjoying this amazing view of the sun setting with the crescent moon following close behind. 

It was great to have a campsite with electricity so I could use the fan to cool my sleeping temperature to a more moderate zone with a bit of a breeze. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 20 

Link to see all of the day's pictures 

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route maps for the day
Map #1 to Lewis and Clark scenic stop near Plattlsmouth 

Map #2 - to Arbor Lodge State Historical Park in Nebraska City 

Map #3 to Lewis and Clark Interpretive center near Nebraska City 

Map #4 - to Indian Cave State Park 

Map #5 - Indian Cave State Park

Thursday, August 11, 2016

2015 – 07 – 19: Scenic Destinations Day 35 - Explorations along the Missouri River

From Beck Camp Grounds Decatur Nebraska 
To Carter Lake Iowa 
Total Distance Traveled: 75 miles

After a leisurely morning just enjoying the peaceful quiet I was on the road enjoying Hwy 75 going south through Tekamah and Herman to Blair. 

Abandoned homes dotted the roadside,spoke to me of city bound migration.  

Old barns and grazing cattle, 

orderly fields and farmlands reminded me of those who chose to remain. 

Blair Nebraska 

The town of Blair welcomed me with awesome architectural reminders of a bygone era, and the intersection of Hwy 30 eastbound, 

Hwy 30 bridge over the Missouri River 
across another bridge over the Missouri River and into the state of Iowa. 

Soon I arrived at the DeSoto National WildLife Refuge on the Missouri River.  I was pleasantly surprised that it is part of the National Parks service and I did not have to pay an entrance fee because I have an annual park pass. 

I visited the interpretive centre to learn about the animal inhabitants of this region. It was especially awesome to see a replica eagles nest.


Driving through the vast area of this wildlife refuge was a delight.  There were lovely views to the Missouri River both old and new!   The "New" is the Channel that was dug to straighten the river.  The "Old" is the Oxbow that was the route that Lewis and Clark took.  

This man created Oxbow Lake is a lovely wildlife habitat with many opportunities for birders and fisher-folk to enjoy nature. 

I stopped at a nice picnic bench to enjoy the scenery and read my book and enjoy my noon meal.

The refuge was filled with opportunities for me to explore the beautiful images of nature. 

After I finally torn myself away from this oasis for the eyes, I headed south on I-29 toward Omaha!   I crossed the Missouri River once again on the I-680 Mormon Bridge into the suburb of Florence.

I Stopped at the N.P. Dodge Park for overview to the Missouri River and boat launching ramps. They had camping here also, near the river but there were no shady spots and the wide open spaces were too far from the river to have a pleasant view.  

Florence Mill 

Continuing on my way I stopped at the Florence Mill and then I walked around the historic part of town to enjoy several other historic buildings in the area. 

infront of the Mormon Historic Visitor Center 
My next stop was at the Mormon Historic Trail Visitor center to get information for the trail (possible theme for one of my next trips.)  I think I will call it "Heroes and Villains" and follow various trails. Outlaw trail, Mormon trail, Underground Railway etc.   I met a very nice young woman there and we chatted for a while.  I think she is a missionary and possibly her agenda was to “convert me”.  But she loved to hear about my travels. 

From there I headed to McDonald's for some internet time. The sun was now going down and it was time to see about settling in for the night.  

I drove through Levi Carter park on another oxbow cut off from the “new” river. It was delightful to watch people enjoying the evening with family picnics or fishing from the banks.

After some searching I found a lovely place to camp for the night overlooking a nice green space.  Luckily it was cooler than the past two nights, even so I was still pretty warm. 

I had an amazing view of the sunset sky and setting crescent moon.

It was a perfect setting for some relaxing evening contemplation. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 19 

Link to see all of the day's pictures 

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route maps for the day

Map #1 From Decatur to DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge 

map #2  DeSoto Wildlefe Refuge

Map #3 From Desoto Wildlife Refuge to N.P Dodge Park 

Map #4 From Florence to Cater Lake