Wednesday, September 16, 2015

2015 - 07 - 09: Day 25 Scenic Destinations - across the Grasslands to the Black Hills

From Powder River Campgrounds Kaycee Wyoming
To Comanche Campgrounds Black Hills National Park South Dakota
Distance traveled: 176 miles 

I spent the morning using the wifi service at the camp grounds to get caught up on my emails and messages.  It is interesting to use a computer on a sunny day, I have to shelter under an umbrella to see the screen.

Hole in the Wall bar - Kaycee WY

After what is now my packing routine, I headed on the road, driving once more through the town of Kaycee, where I noticed the quaint "hole in the wall" bar which seems to be a renovated gas station.

Grasslands along highway 192 
The next stretch of my drive was a lonely one along Hwy 192 which took me thorough farmlands and pastures.  I hardly saw another vehicle the whole stretch of road to the small town of Linch and on to the junction of Hwy 387. 

And the road stretches ever on. 

Hwy 387 going east toward Wright, is a more popular thoroughfare and I started to see other vehicles on the road.The road just stretches on and on into the horizon, long and straight as far as the eye can see.
Industry in the National Grasslands has me baffled 

Most of this route is through the Thunder Basin National Grasslands. Imagine my surprise when just east of Wright, along Hwy 405 I saw all kinds of digging going on.  

Finally as I traveled further east the scenery became more of what I expected in a national park area.  

The gently rolling hills stretch off into the distance and I even got to see some wildlife. 

I stayed long enough to watch them gallop away over the hills and love this scene where they are in silhouette at the crest of the hill.

As I continued east along the highway toward Newcastle Wyoming, I started to see the Black hills in the distance.

Taking hwy 16 south I drove through the historic section of Newcastle.  I stopped to replenish my camping supplies before continuing on, crossing into South Dakota and then into the Black Hills National Forest. 

I stopped at the Jewel cave Monument and saw the notice that all cave tours were sold out.  After inquiring at the information desk I learned that it is best to line up at 7AM to get a tour.

As I was walking back to the parking lot, a couple approached me with tickets that they could not use today for the introductory tour and gave me one of five free giveaways.  So I got into the 3:30 cave tour after all. What a bonus!

It was just a short tour, into the open chamber at the base of the elevator but it was fun.

After the tour I drove to the nearby National Forest Comanche Park Camp Ground where I set up for the evening to rest and enjoy the smell of the Ponderosa pines and the breeze in my hair and the sun setting behind the trees. A perfect ending to a wonderful day. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2015 - 07 - 09 

map of today's route 

link to my Facebook Reflections Page 

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