Monday, October 26, 2015

2015 - 07 - 12: Day 28 Scenic Destinations - Mammoth dig and wild horses

From Hot Springs South Dakota
Back to Rapid City South Dakota
Distance Traveled:  98 miles

I actually slept in beyond my usual wake up time and started my morning preparations at 7 am.  I spent a part of my morning on photo editing but I am realizing that it is impossible to keep up with this when my days are filled with exciting things to see and do. 

After packing the car once more I explored the historic downtown of Hot Springs.  I really enjoyed the red sandstone construction and the historic hotel that is now a seniors home.  

A lovely waterfall is also seen right in the centre of town.

A very short drive brought me to the Mammoth Site where I enjoyed the tour and museum.  

It is amazing to see the dig still ongoing with workers scraping away to expose the bones beneath the surface.  

On my list of things to see in the area was a drive to the Wild horse Sanctuary.  Along this route I made a couple of stops.

The first was to see Cascade Springs. This pleasant picnic spot was deserted and I enjoyed the beauty of the setting all by myself.  

My next stop was at Cascade Falls which is a popular swimming location with lots of family gatherings around picnic tables or in the water, falls and pools. 

view to the Cheyenne River 

Just another short drive, crossing the Cheyenne River, and then down the gravel road brought me to this lovely deserted place where I spent some time in the Black Hills Wildhorse Sanctuary watching the horses. 

Of course they are mostly off in the distance but still the beauty of these wild creatures in the wild is undeniable.  

on the road to Sheps Canyon 

Starting my journey back I took another side road to explore Sheps Canyon.  I expected more of a canyon based on other places I have visited but found rather a wide of lake created by a dam further downstream.  

I would have camped here and enjoyed an afternoon of relaxation but all the sites were by reservation only. 

On the road back to the highway I spotted this delightful ruin almost overgrown and reclaimed by nature. 

My day ended up with a drive back to Rapid City to the same Holiday Inn as last time. 

I enjoyed walking in the nearby Memorial Park and along the Rapid Creek.  It was peaceful sitting on a shady bench reading my book. 

In the late afternoon it started to rain.  This sun shower created an awesome beautiful double rainbow.

As the sun set I settled in for some quiet photo editing, reading and Sudoku. 

Renate Dundys Marrello

Link to the full photo album   

Link to my Facebook Reflections Page

Route maps for the day 

Map #1 

Map #2

Map #3

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