Sunday, January 4, 2015

2014 – 09 – 04: Day 44 - Road trip across the USA - Route 6 east, Farmlands of Iowa

From  Waukee Iowa
To Moline Ilinois
Distance Traveled  212  miles

I awoke up to heat and humidity.  It is interesting that all the time in the desert heat did not bother me…but back in the humid heat and I am feeling it big time.  By the time I finished packing up I was covered in dampness.  It was so wonderful to take a morning  shower before leaving to freshen up.
A quick stop in Windsor Heights, a suburb of des Moines, at Sam’s to top up the gas and then it was time to do some exploring.

Des Moines River as seen from Prospect Park 
I stopped at Prospect Park for a view of the Des Moines River and then another stop at McHenry Park for a short walk to see a pretty view to the Des Moines skyline

Des Moines Skyline seen from McHenry Park 

Kellogg Museum in the town of Kellogg 

After a short stretch on the interstate I once again found the exit for highway 6 with all the scenic roads and quaint historic towns. 

The small town of Kellogg has some interesting exhibits on their historic main street but I was the only one on the street and everything was closed. 

Rolling hills, roads and fields
 the blowing grasses along the road side 

I am driving though more farm and corn country interspersed with quaint towns. The heat is climbing and climbing


Following the historic route 6 markers is easy and small town Iowa is very picturesque.  

Most of the streets are lined with trees and the houses have that historical wooden cottage look.

Brooklyn Iowa

Some towns felt like I was stepping back into another time.  If not for modern cars things remain unchanged over the years. 

crocked barn near Homestead 

Exciting changes of scenery were barns like this one with quaint crocked walls and a distinct "un-symmetry." 

Wondering what is keeping this one up!

Or others barns that were almost ready to topple over with neglect.

Sturgis Ferry Park 

I stopped in Iowa City at McDonald’s for coffee and wifi break before pulling off the road to see the river at the Sturgis Ferry Park

After driving all day I stopped in at Davenport Sam’s Club to top up the tank once again. Now it was time for the big decision, do I camp out in the heat and suffer another night with the discomfort of uncomfortable sleep or head for a motel.  Some research and I found an Motel 6 nearby in Moline and that made my decision easier….cool air conditioning it is.

Bridge over the Mississippi River 
Crossing the Mississippi was grand!   

Sun sparkling on the Mississippi River

The late afternoon sun was sparkling on the water and the bridge was an older classic design.  Unfortunately there were no nearby waterfront parks that I can stop at for a closer view.  

It was really nice to settle into a cooled AC room!  Heavenly!  After a long drive today it was pleasant to relax, spend some time updating my notes and enjoy some time on the phone with Mel. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 - 09 - 04 
link to see the rest of the days photos

feel free to visit my facebook Reflections page

all photos copyright to Renate Dundys Marrello 

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