Friday, November 21, 2014

2014 – 09 – 02: Day 42 – Road Trip Across the USA - route 6 east - Farmlands of Nebraska

From Mccook Nebraska
To Eugene T Mahoney State Park, Ashland Nebraska
Distance traveled:   262 miles

I was up early today, so early in fact that the air was still chilly everything was still covered in dew!
As the morning slowly got warmer I enjoyed my breakfast and coffee, then cleaned up the camp site and packed the car.   Then time for a shower before heading back out on the road.  This very pleasant three day rest stop is over. 

Leaving McCook on Route 6 east 
With a stop at the local gas station to get enough gas to take me to the Sam’s club in Lincoln Nebraska and I was once again following route 6 east.  The route was easy to follow as highway 6 is well marked.

I passed through all the towns along the route but most of my driving was through farmlands and fields.

Nothing but cornfields for miles and miles, iinterspersedwith the odd barn or farmstead.

A real change of scenery was a tractor in a field!

Entering Holdredge 
I stopped in Holdredge at the McDonalds for lunch and messages before driving on the less traveled road. 

Grain silos in Minden 

I saw so many small towns that after a time they all blend together into images of grain silo's and gas stations and tree lined residential areas.  
Tree lined residential area in Exeter 

Teepee in Atlanta 

Then occasionally there is a town that stands out because of some unusual landmark like the teepee in Atlanta, or this building side artwork in Fairmont. 
Art work in Fairmont 

irrigation sprinkles systems  

passing trains 

The occasional irrigation sprinkles and even rarer trains passing by, seem to be the only diversions I see as I drive this stretch of road. 

The highlight of my day, the road being temporarily closed by the sheriff so that an over-sized load could make a wide turn in the intersection.

Then later driving single file through a construction zone I enjoyed some road side entertainment.  

I also stopped at lots of historic markers to learn about the history of the area and get some ideas for future explorations....follow the Ft. McPherson trail.  

When I arrived at Lincoln, the first big city since the suburbs of Salt Lake City, I stopped at Sam’s Club for gas and then some groceries.  

I was feeling a desire for chicken and the roast chickens just smelled so good!  I picked one up knowing full well that after 4 days of nothing but chicken I will be done with chicken for a while again.  After a snack (pizza and a drink) I was back on the road.  There was a short stretch on interstate 80 until I found the exit onto route 6 at Waverly.

Just another 30 minutes later and I arrived at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park.  

The front administration office was closed.  The gate house closed.   How do I get my permit for camping? 

Driving around the park I spotted the camp ground host and she told me where to find the Lodge!   Some more driving and finally I found the lodge!!!   Sometimes the people that run these places are so used to having local people who know the park, that they forget to make their signage clear for those of us who come from out of town!  

Because of all these delays I did not get to my camp site until 7:00pm.   I had just enough daylight time left to time to cut up the chicken into pieces and package it so it will fit in the cooler. 

My only water source was all the way at the shower room!  That meant a 10 minute walk for every container of water.  That was a bit of an inconvenience!

At least with an electrical site I was able to recharging all my electrical devices.

I am really feeling the humidity!   After weeks in the dry air of the desert my body is experiencing the mugginess and I am sweating big time.   Yes tonight I used my fan!

 It is dark now and I am in the car planning tomorrows drive and I have the fan going full blast!

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 - 09 - 03 

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