Friday, December 5, 2014

2014 – 09 – 03: Day 43 - Road Trip Across the USA - Route 6 east - from Nebraska into Iowa

From Eugene T Mahoney State Park
To Waukee Iowa
Distance traveled:    168 miles  

Dawn in Eugene T Mahoney State Park 
I watched the day break from my car bed, there was just a hint of grey in the sky. Then fell asleep again to awake to the mauve and pink shades of sunrise.  Much of the sky is overcast once again and it looks like rain might be a possibility. 

Eugene T Mahoney State Park 

For breakfast cooked some chicken soup from the last of the bones of the chicken I bought, then it was time to pack up and get back on the road.

I made a roadside stop in the park to admire the landscaping and the scenery. 

Land locked lighthouse on the Platt River 

First item of interest was a land locked lighthouse on the Platt River. It did seem rather neglected and run down.  I think originally it was a landmark to find the nearby campground.

The next part of the drive was through lots of suburban areas leading into Omaha.  Hwy 6 a good road to drive on, it remained a 4 lane highway well into town.

Omaha - Boardwalk along the Missouri River 
My destination in Omaha was the Heartland of America Park on the Missouri River.  I enjoyed a lovely walk along the river front where I saw a Lewis and Clark historical marker and nice views to the other side of the Missouri River and to the nearby bridges.  

Omaha - Heartland of America Park 

I also walked through the park where there were some lovely view to the historical buildings of down town Omaha. 

The skies remained overcast and occasionally a few drops of rain fell as I drove through the historic part of Omaha, saw the Mutual of Omaha building and made my way across the bridge into Council Bluffs, Iowa.  

Council Bluffs - Riverside Park
view across the river toward Omaha 
Driving down Harrah's Blvd past Dodge Riverside Golf Club and the Casino I came to Riverside Park.  From here I got to look west over the Missouri River toward Omaha.

It was still overcast as I drove through Council Bluffs and I decided on a coffee break at McD’s using the internet to check up on notes and emails and to chat with Mel. 

Council Bluffs - bridge over the Mosquito Creek 
The grand thing was that when I got out again the sun was shining and the sky was blue as I drove over the colourful bridge  over Mosquito Creek.

The next section of highway 6 was gorgeous. It is designated as part of the scenic byway “Loess Hills Scenic Byway”  ( I think there is another adventure along this path!

The rain is gone but it sure has turned into a windy day.  I had to drive with strong hands on the steering wheel and great caution as I felt the wind toss the car about.  I was glad to be on the byways without the extra stress of interstate speeds!

Hills and farmland along route 6 in Iowa 
Mile after mile the road passed through rolling hills and farmlands dotted with the occasional barns and farmhouses.  


By the West Branch Nishnabota River lies Oakland, the new part of the city is quite ordinary.

I stopped at a city park for a late lunch (chicken wings and celery).   
In the rest room I encountered this wonderful frog.   

After lunch I explored the old historic district.  The architecture was amazing.  It is really too bad that all the businesses have moved to the new part of town leaving the old historic centre looking like a ghost town.  

Ferry House in Lewis 

My next destination point was the town of Lewis for “Hitchcock house”.   As I followed the signs I also drove past the historic marker for the Mormon Trail and the Ferry House.

 I feel another adventure coming on!

Historic Hitchcock House 

Driving on dirt roads and side cut offs finally brought me to the out of the way “Hitchcock House”,  
a way stop on the “Underground Railway”. 
Underground Railway:

Interactive map:
Historic trail sights:

yes you guessed it!  I feel yet another adventure coming on!

view of farmlands from the Hitchcock House 
Walking around this isolated location it felt that nothing much has changed in the intervening years, farm lands as far as the eye can see. 

Atlantic Iowa 

Hwy 6 continues east through more hills and more farms and then across the Nishnabota River to enter the town of Atlantic.  

Past Atlantic the road continued through more rolling hills and beautiful scenery for just a short while and then Hwy 6 merged with Interstate 80

The next several towns on the list were all exits from the interstate – between 2 and 5 miles distant.  If it had been morning I would probably have done the exit and return to the interstate drives, but I was still over an hours drive to my destination at this point and it was already 4 pm so I just drove through and enjoyed the scenery. At one point I noticed that I was in Madison County when I spotted a sign indicating a tourist stop to get information for the Bridges of Madison County.  That brought back delightful memories of a wonderful movie and book.  And another item to go on my bucket list for future trips. 

I stopped at a rest station and was able to get an Iowa map, this is the first road map I have found in ages! Looking at the map it I did see how there were only minor roads connecting the all of those towns and trying to visit all of them would have taken much longer than the amount of time I allotted to the journey.

After Wiscotta route 6 left the interstate going north toward Adel.  

Adel Iowa
I looked for the entrance to Island Park but it must be well hidden, I could not spot it. 

After driving through the historic centre and admiring the town of Adel, I continued on to Waukee where I followed a “camping” sign to find Timberlake campground – a private camp ground.  The fee was only $26.00 for a site with no electricity but wifi – go figure that out!   Electric sites were much more so I elected to forgo that luxury. After setting up camp I had dinner (chicken leg and yellow pepper) and watched the sun set behind the forest that surrounded the camp site.

As it got dark I settled in for some reading and Sudoku and sent off a few messages before turning in for the night. 

I am beginning to realize that just “traveling the road” is not enough for me.  I like to have preplanned stops along the way, more destinations in my itinerary.  This kind of “by the seat of the pants” traveling is not for me.  So for my next adventure I will be going back to my previous style of having all the stops along the way researched and pre-planned. 

Renate Dundys Marrello 
2014 - 09 - 03 

photo link:

Friday, November 21, 2014

2014 – 09 – 02: Day 42 – Road Trip Across the USA - route 6 east - Farmlands of Nebraska

From Mccook Nebraska
To Eugene T Mahoney State Park, Ashland Nebraska
Distance traveled:   262 miles

I was up early today, so early in fact that the air was still chilly everything was still covered in dew!
As the morning slowly got warmer I enjoyed my breakfast and coffee, then cleaned up the camp site and packed the car.   Then time for a shower before heading back out on the road.  This very pleasant three day rest stop is over. 

Leaving McCook on Route 6 east 
With a stop at the local gas station to get enough gas to take me to the Sam’s club in Lincoln Nebraska and I was once again following route 6 east.  The route was easy to follow as highway 6 is well marked.

I passed through all the towns along the route but most of my driving was through farmlands and fields.

Nothing but cornfields for miles and miles, iinterspersedwith the odd barn or farmstead.

A real change of scenery was a tractor in a field!

Entering Holdredge 
I stopped in Holdredge at the McDonalds for lunch and messages before driving on the less traveled road. 

Grain silos in Minden 

I saw so many small towns that after a time they all blend together into images of grain silo's and gas stations and tree lined residential areas.  
Tree lined residential area in Exeter 

Teepee in Atlanta 

Then occasionally there is a town that stands out because of some unusual landmark like the teepee in Atlanta, or this building side artwork in Fairmont. 
Art work in Fairmont 

irrigation sprinkles systems  

passing trains 

The occasional irrigation sprinkles and even rarer trains passing by, seem to be the only diversions I see as I drive this stretch of road. 

The highlight of my day, the road being temporarily closed by the sheriff so that an over-sized load could make a wide turn in the intersection.

Then later driving single file through a construction zone I enjoyed some road side entertainment.  

I also stopped at lots of historic markers to learn about the history of the area and get some ideas for future explorations....follow the Ft. McPherson trail.  

When I arrived at Lincoln, the first big city since the suburbs of Salt Lake City, I stopped at Sam’s Club for gas and then some groceries.  

I was feeling a desire for chicken and the roast chickens just smelled so good!  I picked one up knowing full well that after 4 days of nothing but chicken I will be done with chicken for a while again.  After a snack (pizza and a drink) I was back on the road.  There was a short stretch on interstate 80 until I found the exit onto route 6 at Waverly.

Just another 30 minutes later and I arrived at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park.  

The front administration office was closed.  The gate house closed.   How do I get my permit for camping? 

Driving around the park I spotted the camp ground host and she told me where to find the Lodge!   Some more driving and finally I found the lodge!!!   Sometimes the people that run these places are so used to having local people who know the park, that they forget to make their signage clear for those of us who come from out of town!  

Because of all these delays I did not get to my camp site until 7:00pm.   I had just enough daylight time left to time to cut up the chicken into pieces and package it so it will fit in the cooler. 

My only water source was all the way at the shower room!  That meant a 10 minute walk for every container of water.  That was a bit of an inconvenience!

At least with an electrical site I was able to recharging all my electrical devices.

I am really feeling the humidity!   After weeks in the dry air of the desert my body is experiencing the mugginess and I am sweating big time.   Yes tonight I used my fan!

 It is dark now and I am in the car planning tomorrows drive and I have the fan going full blast!

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 - 09 - 03 

Photo link:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

2014 – 08 – 30&31: Day 39 and 40 – Road Trip Across the USA - route 6 east – across the plains

From Fort Morgan Colorado 
To McCook Nebraska

Distance traveled   192 miles

Sunny skies on the way to Sterling
Today is the first day of the Labour Day Long weekend
I spent the early part of the morning updating my journal
notes and then wrote out the list of towns on route 6 that are on today’s agenda.  Then it was time to pack and get ready for another day on the road. 

I was so delighted to look out the window and see clear blue sunny skies! 

abandoned cabin in the fields
When driving in the plains you look for distraction from the wide open stretches.  I particularly enjoyed the occasional abandoned cabins.  

Wide open vista on the plains

After several days driving mountainous winding roads it feels strange to be once again on the flat plains.  The town elevation markers though indicate that this area is still quite high above sea level.  (5000 + feet).   

Grazing cattle
There are lots of corn fields and cattle pastures and the biggest vertical images are the grain silos. 

Old Town Sterling
The morning drive to Sterling went very smoothly.  The road markings for where route 6 split off from I-76 were easy to follow and from there it was simple to stay on the right highway.  

In Sterling I stopped for lunch at McD’s and checked my messages.   

route 6 is never far away from the railway

After lunch I continued east on route 6 through several small towns, lined up like pearls along the strand of the railway.
Town Hall in Fleming

I passed through quaint quiet towns with bits of history there for the observant bypasser to enjoy, like this town hall with retro fitted doors and windows that I spotted in Fleming.

Grain elevators in Holyoke

Further down the road, I passed through Holyoke, whose claim to fame is the “tall grain elevators”

Rolling hills and creek as I cross into Nebraska

I crossed into Nebraska.  There is not a huge difference in the landscape but I did notice that there are more rolling hills and valleys and there seems to be more streams. 

Main Street Imperial

A break in the scenery is when I drive through another town.  this one is called Imperial

A colourful image, like farm equipment on display, gives the eyes a rest from the unending fields of pasture and crops.

Old time country store with modern touches

In Enders I spot this reminder of a bygone era. 

Then just a bit further along the road is  Enders Reservoire State Recreation Area.   A man made lake and blue waters is a lovely spot to stop and enjoy a stretch break before driving on. 

Frenchman Creek

The next stretch of road with rolling lands and streams reminded me of childhood books I read about early pioneers and even the TV series "Little house on the Prairie"  

Wauneta was a pleasant town and here I discovered a piece of American history.  This old mill remained in use until the 60's the sign said. 

Leaving Wauneta I saw the time zone change sign just east of the town limits.  Now I am back into the central time zone.  This reminded me to check where the mid-way point of route 6 is.  I looked on line and was unable to find the answer.  Do you know where it is?

Palisades is where I discovered this classic from the old west. 

My sense of smell today is overwhelmed with the smell of green things growing.  Every time I step out of the car I can smell the corn fields, the cut grass and the hay.  This is still considered semi desert because of the low amount of rainfall, but there are signs of irrigation everywhere so they must be tapping into an underground water source.

The day got progressively warmer.  At one point the car’s gauge showed 35C. 

When I stepped out of the car, or rolled down the window to get a better, less glare, view for a picture, I could feel the reflected heat rising up from the ground.  A part of me wonders how that will affect my camping tonight.

Route 6 merged with 34 coming into McCook. Here I started looking for Karrer Park where I had information leading me to expect free camping provided by the town. 

Barnett Park in McCook
The first park though pretty was one of those that close at 11pm so that was not it. 

The next one was the correct one.  Not only is the camping free, there are electrical outlets supplied and even showers!   I can hardly believe that comfort for a free camp site. 

I only see 6 camp sites and at the moment (7:15pm)  there are 4 of us here right now, so either it is a well-kept secret or people arrive late.    I have a lovely shady spot and notice that the temperature was only 30C in the shade. 

On the other side of the trees there are the train tracks.  I hear a train passing by, but the foliage is so thick that I can just barely detect movement through the gaps.  So maybe my sleep will be interrupted by train sounds, but that is just part of the adventure and only a tiny discomfort.  The temperature has already dropped as the sun it setting

I had a chat with the couple in the next camp site and they told me that last night it got quite chilly, so chilly in fact that they had to put on the heat.  So I guess tonight may be a double sleeping bag night and I will pull out my fleece sweater just in case as well.

I think that this is the perfect place to stay for a day or two of rest from road travel.  I can spend some time getting photo editing done and just relax and unwind.  Maybe a visit to the town McD’s for some internet time, or shopping at Walmart if I feel so inclined, or drive back over to the park with the lovely ponds and fountains.  Yes this is a lovely spot. 
Day off – no traveling 
Distance traveled   0 miles

I stayed at the camp ground most of the day just relaxing and taking a break from driving.  Time to read, and play some Sudoku.  Time to edit some pictures and catch up on some notes.

I am enjoying the sounds of the occasional train.  They bring to mine the "I love Lucy" episode where they travel across  America and are kept awake by the rumbling of passing trains.  

Luckily the trains here don't run at night and of course the sounds of the clackety clack and steam whistle are  much more nostalgic in the day time than when they interrupt your sleep.   I am reminded of the night my sister Anita and I stayed at a motel right beside the train tracks on our adventure to Yellow Stone Park.  We were woken up several times and felt sleep deprived in the morning

Renate Dundys Marrello
2014 - 08 - 30 & 31